Firstly, I would like to thank you for your donations for this year’s Red Nose Day! We have raised just over £400 for this year’s appeal and are once again overwhelmed by the generosity demonstrated by our community. The children loved creating their own red noses, check out their designs on our school Twitter feed. Following on from the success of our appeal, we will be holding a used book sale after school to help raise money for a school in Uganda. Our children have been finding out about this school in our assemblies and are currently planning a range of events to support them.
This week we have welcomed back Mrs Marchant from her maternity leave, she has loved spending time getting to know our nursery children and has had a warm welcome from children across school. Likewise, we have welcomed two new additions, Popcorn and Pinecone, to our Flowery family! These are much loved family pets who have been a welcome addition to our school. As the weather turns warmer, we plan on taking them outdoors so they can meet the other animals on our school farm. If anyone would like to know more about the farm please speak with Miss Mercer or Mrs Marsden. Children within KS2 are welcome to attend our Saturday morning farm club from 9 30 until 10 30.
This week we have started our pupil progress meetings. It is a great chance to celebrate the progress children have made. We are extremely grateful for your support with learning. The teachers have all reflected on the children’s next steps and looked at further support that can be put in place to ensure children build on this success. This information will be shared during parents’ evening which takes place next Wednesday. Please note our spring term meetings will be held virtually, with the exception of our nursery and reception children which will be held in person. Please ensure your details are up to date in the MCAS app. Please contact admin@floweryfield.tameside.sch.uk if you require support in accessing the app or booking an appointment. Likewise, we are currently in the process of reviewing our SEND plans which will be completed by the end of the term, parents will be invited into school to discuss these.
Finally, we would like to remind parents that our Easter Egg Bingo takes place on Wednesday 3rd April. There are a limited number of tickets still available for this event, these can be purchased online: https://flowery-field-ptfa.pembee.app. We are holding a non-uniform day for chocolate donations to support this event on Friday. We recognise that not all families are able to donate at this time and remain extremely grateful for your continued support.
Wishing you a lovely weekend
Mrs Silk
Important Update
Unfortunately, our Summer Inset Day has changed to Fridy 11th July 2025 to facilitate our Y4 and 5 residentials. Please speak with the office team asap if this impacts any family holidays you may have planned.
Flowery Fun
Following the success of our before and after school club we are currently looking at offering holiday provision during the first week of the Easter and Summer holidays, If this is something you are interested in please speak with a member of our office team. We will be offering places 9-3 for £15.
Upcoming Events
Wednesday 26th March Parents’ Evening (Telephone Consultations)
Please note N/R will be held face to face)
Thursday 27th March 3DY Manchester Museum Trip
Friday 28th March Non-Uniform for Chocolate Donations
Monday 31st March Eid Ul Fitr
Tuesday 1st April Eid celebration in school (Party Clothes)
Wednesday 2nd April Easter Egg Bingo (Places to be booked in advance)
Wednesday 23rd April Eid Celebration Family Event