Another great week of learning in school!
Firstly, I would like to thank you for your support with reading across school. Last week’s events raised an amazing £900 to spend on books. Our older pupils have requested that this money is spent on graphic novels to add to their class libraries, whilst our younger pupils have requested more books from their favourite authors. Following on from this success, our nursery pupils have enjoyed a family visit from Book Start and our reception classes have had some visits from mystery readers! Children across school have asked for more mystery reader events. If you or a family member would like to share your favourite book with your child’s class please get in touch with our school office.
In our assemblies, we have continued to focus on acts of kindness. We have been astounded by the kindness demonstrated by our little people, sharing toys, donating clothes and much more! One of our little people in Y1 is even donating her hair to the Little Princes Trust. Click on the link to find out more: https://www.justgiving.com/page/natalie-allen-1?utm_medium=FR&utm_source=CL
We are currently, working on oracy within school. As part of this work, classes have had the opportunity to decide on how we will be celebrating Red Nose Day. Our two most popular answers were children designing their own red noses and children wearing their own clothes for school. Therefore, next Friday will be a non-uniform day!
Please click on the link to make a donation: Flowery Field is fundraising for Comic Relief
We are really looking forward to speaking with you about your child’s learning during our spring parents’ evening. During the meeting the teachers will be sharing your child’s progress and looking at how you can support them in their next steps of learning. We are extremely proud of their achievements this term. As these meetings take place over the telephone, please ensure your details are up to date in the MCAS app. Please contact admin@floweryfield.tameside.sch.uk if you require support in accessing the app or booking an appointment. Appointments can be booked from 3pm on Monday.
Many thanks to our Flowery Friends team who organised our Mothers’ Day Craft events, the children loved making their special treats and can’t wait to share them with their families. Our team have lots of other activities planned over the coming weeks, including our special Ramadan competition, Easter Bingo and Family Eid event. Please let us know if you can help out at any of these events.
Finally, following the success of our before and after school club we are currently looking at offering holiday provision during the first week of the Easter and Summer holidays, If this is something you are interested in please speak with a member of our office team. We will be offering places 9-3 for £15.
Thank you for your continued support
Mrs Silk
Important Update
Unfortunately, our Summer Inset Day has changed to Fridy 11th July 2025 to facilitate our Y4 and 5 residentials. Please speak with the office team asap if this impacts any family holidays you may have planned.
Support Required
We are seeing an increase in children bringing in items to support them from home which are distracting children within the classroom. Please can we ask that these are left at home. School has a range of concentration aids that we can use to support learners who require them. Should a specific item be required please speak to your child’s class teacher or a member of the SEND team.
Likewise, we are seeing an increase in high energy snacks being brought into school, please can we ask that KS2 children bring a piece of fruit in. This will also help reduce litter around school. Children in KS1 or reception are provided with a snack from school.
Punctuality and Absence
School starts at 8 45 and closes at 3 15. Please can we ask families to ensure children arrive on time as lateness disrupts learning and results in children missing valuable learning opportunities.
Likewise, if your child is going to be absent from school, please ring and provide a reason for their absence prior to the start of the school day. Parents are able to leave a message on our automated system.
Important Help Needed
We are looking for the following to help us expand our OPAL offer within school:
- Outdoor toys – hula hoops, bats, balls etc
- Sand Toys – Buckets, spades and watering cans
- Scooters
- Large Bricks – Duplo etc
- Lego
- Construction materials – scaffolding boards, pallets etc
Upcoming Events
Friday 21st March Red Nose Day (Non Uniform)
Used Book Stall after school (Donations required)
Wednesday 26th March Parents’ Evening (Telephone Consultations)
Friday 28th March Non-Uniform for Chocolate Donations
Monday 31st March Eid Ul Fitr
Tuesday 1st April Eid celebration in school (Party Clothes)
Wednesday 2nd April Easter Egg Bingo (Places to be booked in advance)
Wednesday 23rd April Eid Celebration Family Event