Curriculum Aim

Our PSHE curriculum aims to develop the children’s knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. It helps children and young people to stay healthy and safe, while preparing them to make the most of life and work. When taught well, PSHE education also helps pupils to achieve their academic potential. At Flowery Field, PSHE is taught in a sequential and coherent manner whilst RSE aims to help children feel comfortable and confident in their own skin, understand bodies, express emotions safely and manage their behaviours. We acknowledge that our PSHE curriculum forms the foundation and understanding of our whole school behaviour policy and curriculum intent.

During key stages 1 and 2, PSHE education offers both explicit and implicit learning opportunities and experiences, which reflect pupils’ increasing independence and physical and social awareness, as they move through the primary phase. It builds on the skills that pupils started to acquire during the Early Years Foundation stage (EYFS) to develop effective relationships, assume greater personal responsibility and manage personal safety, including online. PSHE education helps pupils to manage the physical and emotional changes at puberty, introduces them to a wider world and enables them to make an active contribution to their communities.

We follow the SCARF programme of study, and this is fully in line with the learning outcomes and core themes of the PSHE Association scheme of work. It covers all the required objectives and follows the three core areas of Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. It also fulfils the requirements of the 2020 Statutory Relationship and Health Education, which enables all pupils to build good, safe and healthy relationships now and in their future lives.


Updated: 07/02/2023 118 KB