Curriculum Intent

At Flowery Field Primary School, we are committed to ensuring our pupils receive a broad and balanced curriculum, equipping them with transferable learning skills and a sound knowledge base.  We are relentless in our drive for high expectations and quality outcomes across the curriculum; we instil pride, celebrate achievements and nurture aspirations.

At Flowery Field we promote key learning behaviours which enable them to become successful, independent and collaborative learners. We use the STARS Acronym to promote key learning behaviours and this forms the basis of our rewards programme. Children are rewarded for effort - STRIVING, working effectively with others - TEAMWORK, aiming high in their learning - AMBITION and persevering in the face of setbacks - RESILIENCE. We believe this approach enables all children to experience success and enables them to make a positive contribution to society, achieve economic wellbeing and become effective lifelong learners.

Our curriculum offer centres upon the basics of reading, writing and mathematics and we maintain this focus throughout school. Children study wider subjects through our whole-school topics and we reinforce this with visits, outside speakers and other enrichment activities. The design of our lessons ensures pupils  aim high, strive to succeed and persist in the face of any setbacks. We have an extensive “Forest School” programme that allows all children to learn outdoors, focusing upon team building, co-operation, collaboration and risk-taking. We believe this time spent learning outdoors in the natural environment is important for a rounded development and helps promote well-being.

Our wider curriculum offer ensure that life skills are valued alongside academic success, through a rich, stimulating and inclusive curriculum. We are proud of our extra-curricular opportunities that enable children to develop skills outside of the classroom. We are proud of our school farm, which adds a further dimension to our outdoor curriculum and teaches important skills such as caring and commitment.

We take a thematic and creative approach to the curriculum encompassing skills and knowledge through scientific investigations, creative arts and historical and geographical enquiry.  This ensures the children develop a deep understanding of the key concepts taught, enabling them to make links with prior learning and other curriculum areas.  Opportunities are built in for retrieval, ensuring children have the opportunity to communicate their learning to others.  whilst enhancing their understnaidng of the wider world.  We deploy IT to support the learning across all subjects and have access to a range of technology, (Ipads, laptops and an immersive classroom) to support our curriculum offer.  Our Computing Curriculum  provides children with essential skills that will prepare them for an ever-changing world.

At Flowery Field we provide homework for all key stage 2 children which helps children to develop the skills and attitudes they will need for successful lifelong learning. We have an expectation that all children will read regularly at home and have a reward system designed to support this aim that lets children earn badges and other class rewards.

Teachers take a pride in ensuring that all children are challenged and achieve their full potential. Daily assessment for learning techniques such as observation, self-assessment and scrutiny of work, enables the teachers to provide personalised provision for the children and make timely interventions so all children make good progress.

Summative assessment (formal assessments and tests) are also used to support teachers professional decisions on academic attainment and age-related expectation (ARE).

Our wider learning is captured virtually, ensuring that parents are kept well-informed.  Where possible parents are invited in to share their child's learning and celebrate their achievements.  Our subject champion teams are happy to provide further information on any of our curriculum areas.  Please contact school to arrange an appointment to visit and have a look around.

Curriculum Overview

Updated: 06/02/2023 41 KB