Our school was inspected by Ofsted in November 2024. The inspection team were able to identify many of our school’s strengths:
“Pupils are happy to attend this warm and nurturing school. They have strong relationships with staff and they feel well supported”.
“Pupils demonstrate the school’s central value of respect towards one another.”
“Pupils are polite, courteous and well mannered.”
“Pupils conduct themselves positively around school…..At breaktimes pupils are polite and kind towards one another, reflecting the school’s values”.
“The school has set high expectations for pupils’ learning, including for those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). This is evident in reading, writing and mathematics where pupils attain well”.
“The school has ensured that there is a strong curriculum in place for reading, including phonics, throughout the early years and key stage 1.”
“Activities to help children learn are designed carefully. This ensures that children have the opportunity to practise and consolidate their understanding.”
“There is effective support, led by highly trained staff, to help pupils to catch up with the intended curriculum if they need it. As a result, pupils learn to read with increasing fluency and independence.”
“Staff in the early years are adept at picking up children’s mistakes to help deepen their learning.”
“The school identifies the needs of pupils with SEND at an early stage. In classes, adults offer suitable support to meet pupils’ needs and enable them to access the curriculum. “
“Pupils have a strong understanding of fundamental British values and in some instances how these are linked to other aspects of their learning. Pupils know how to keep themselves safe in the community and online. They understand the importance of healthy lifestyles, including physical and mental health, and what constitutes a healthy relationship."
“Pupils enjoy a wealth of clubs on offer such as chess, cheerleading and creative writing. These activities stretch their talents and interests and provide pupils with new experiences."
Alongside our high outcomes in English and Maths, our ambitious curriculum was also recognised as a strength within school:
“The school has designed an ambitious curriculum that aims to develop pupils’ knowledge in a logical order.”
Whilst we are disappointed with the inspection findings in relation to children’s retention of key knowledge, we recognise that due to the demands of our curriculum, this as an area for improvement. Our current focus on oracy is already having a noticeable impact on children being able to verbalise their learning across the curriculum. We look forward to maintaining our good grading when Ofsted return next academic year.
The full report letter can be accessed below or via the Ofsted website.
Ofsted report
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