Gallant Frog Stock Illustrations – 2 Gallant Frog Stock Illustrations,  Vectors & Clipart - DreamstimeFROGGY STARS - STRIVE -TEAM - AMBITION - RESILIENCE = SUCCESS




This week we have had the opportunity to reflect on the learning that has taken place in the spring term. 

Mr Smith and Ms Cadwallader have been extremely impressed with our computing work, especially our work on coding. Children across early years have explored programmable toys, whilst in Key Stage 1 the children have written their own algorithms. Within Key Stage 2 the children have been working with our new Microbits exploring how software and hardware work together.  These Microbits have many programmable features which the children can explore to complement their learning across the curriculum.

Likewise, Mr G has been impressed with our musical talents across school. Our Y3 children have had the opportunity to learn to play the Ukulele with Tameside Music Service.  Whilst other children across school have been learning to play the Glockenspiel, exploring pitch and rhythm and combining these to create musical masterpieces. Our Y6 children are looking forward to their upcoming trip to the Halle where they will have the opportunity to experience a live orchestra.

Following the half term break, we will be focusing on the theme of kindness within our assemblies. Over half term, we are encouraging all children to fill a bucket with kindness.  Children who complete their bucket will receive a small prize from school. Please help us spread the message of kindness within our local community.

As we approach World Book Day, we would like to remind all our families about the importance of sharing books together within the home.  Our local libraries have lots of events for the whole family to enjoy, including Fairytale Craft which takes place on Monday 17th February at 10 30 at Hyde Library,

Finally, we would like to wish all our families a relaxing break with their family and friends.  We look forward to seeing you all when we return on Tuesday 25th February.

Mrs Silk


Upcoming Events

Friday 14th February          School closes for half term

Monday 17th February        Mothers Day Craft Tickets in Sale from 7pm

Monday 24th February         Inset Day (School Closed to Children)

Tuesday 25th February        School opens to pupils from 8 45am.

Friday 28th February          Start of Ramadan

Wednesday 5th March         Flowery Friends Meeting 3pm

Friday 7th March              World Book Day (Further Details to be announced)

Monday 10th March           Mothers Day Crafts 10th-14th (Places to be booked in    


Friday 28th March            Non Uniform for Chocolate Donations

Monday 31st March           Eid Ul Fitr

Tuesday 1st April             Eid celebration in school (Party Clothes)

Wednesday 2nd April         Easter Egg Bingo (Places to be booked in advance)


Help Needed

We are looking for the following to help us expand our OPAL offer within school:

  • Outdoor toys – hula hoops, bats, balls etc
  • Sand Toys – Buckets, spades and watering cans
  • Scooters
  • Large Bricks – Duplo etc
  • Lego
  • Construction materials – scaffolding boards, pallets etc