This week we have found out about Chinese New Year and the way this is celebrated around the world. During our assemblies we have been finding out more about the different traditions. This year marks the year of the Snake! Many of our children have expressed an interest in joining in the celebrations this weekend. Manchester City Centre have lots of planned events for the whole family to enjoy. Please click on the link to find out more: Chinese New Year in Manchester
Across school there is lots of great science learning taking place. Our Y1 children have had a virtual visit from a penguin expert, they had lots of questions to ask and loved finding out about how to care for them. Within Y2 the children have been exploring different types of materials, whilst Y3 children have explored the difference between opaque, translucent and transparent materials during their work on light. Year 4 have focused on electricity and applied their knowledge create their own buzzer games! Whilst our oldest pupils have been exploring our universe and what makes us unique through their work on evolution.
On Tuesday, Mr Wright and Mrs Caldecott attended training to support our youngest pupils in school in learning to ride a bike! We are excited to announce that we have obtained 6 balance bikes, complete with protective clothing and look forward to adding this to our curriculum offer. We are also extremely grateful to those parents who have donated scooters to provide further opportunities at lunchtime. We look forward to adding these once additional training has been put in place.
Finally, we would like to thank families for joining in our Y6 Wonderlicious Fundraiser, the team are extremely grateful for your generosity which will be used to fund the Y6 hoodies and their end of year party! If you are yet to take part, there are some great prizes on offer including: 2 x Hyde United home match tickets, an Amazon Fire tablet, Cockfields Farm family ticket, a Chocolate hamper, or a Giant Squishmallow!. Please note final orders need to be placed by Monday.
Wishing you a lovely and relaxing weekend
Mrs Silk
Upcoming Events
Wednesday 5th February Flowery Friends Extraordinary General Meeting to elect new
chair. All parents welcome to attend.
Friday 14th February School closes for half term
Monday 24th February Inset Day (School Closed to Children)
Tuesday 25th February School opens to pupils from 8 45am.
Help Needed
We are looking for the following to help us expand our OPAL offer within school:
- Outdoor toys – hula hoops, bats, balls etc
- Sand Toys – Buckets, spades and watering cans
- Scooters
- Large Bricks – Duplo etc
- Lego
- Construction materials – scaffolding boards, pallets etc
Extraordinary General Meeting – 5th Feb 5pm
The PTFA would like to call an extraordinary General meeting to vote in a chair to lead the PTFA committee.
If you are interested in this volunteer role, please see the job description on our social media page. You will need to make your application in writing to Mrs C Silk no later than 5pm on Monday 27th January at
During the EGM we will be appointing the chair for the next term of office which will last until May 2026.
Everyone is welcome to attend the EGM, which will be held in the school hall. If you wish to vote in a chair at the meeting, please make every effort to arrive on time to hear all pitches in full.