Gallant Frog Stock Illustrations – 2 Gallant Frog Stock Illustrations,  Vectors & Clipart - DreamstimeFROGGY STARS - STRIVE -TEAM - AMBITION - RESILIENCE = SUCCESS



What an exciting week in school!


This week we have focused on our school value of respect. We have reflected on the atrocities around the world and the importance of treating others as we want to be treated. In or assemblies, we have explored the story of Anne Frank and looked at the difference she has made through her diary. We continue to encourage our children to demonstrate respect in all they say and do and have spoken about the importance of speaking up and gaining support when needed. We are extremely proud of our little people who continue to work together to achieve great things.


On Thursday all children had the opportunity to watch ‘Sleeping Beauty’, the children loved participating in the show and lots of fun was had by all!  We are extremely grateful to our Flowery Friends team who covered the cost of this event and look forward to future events throughout the year.  We are currently looking for other parents to join our team, please contact Mrs Silk or a member of the pastoral team if you want to find out more. 


Our Y6 Fundraising team are holding our first Wonderlicious Fundraiser to help raise funds for their end of year treats.  They are selling chocolate bars with the chance to win 1 of 5 golden tickets! There are some great prizes on offer including: 2 x Hyde United home match tickets, an Amazon Fire tablet, Cockfields Farm family ticket, a Chocolate hamper, or a Giant Squishmallow! If you would like to participate, all orders need to be in by Friday 31st with prizes available the following week.  All children should have received an order form with additional forms available from the school office.

On Wednesday29th January, many members of our community will be celebrating the New Lunar Year. This year, marks the year of the snake. (The children will be finding out about the story of the Chinese Zodiac in our assemblies). We wish all those celebrating, a healthy and prosperous new year.  Manchester City Centre have lots of planned events for the whole family to enjoy. Please click on the link to find out more: Chinese New Year in Manchester


Finally, we are seeing an increase in children having access to inappropriate things online.  A few of our younger children have recently spoken of watching Squid games with older family members which has caused distress amongst some children.  This has violent content and is not suitable for children. 


Wishing you a lovely and relaxing weekend

Kind regards

Mrs Silk


Upcoming Events

Wednesday 29th January      Lunar New Year

Wednesday 5th February      Flowery Friends Extraordinary General Meeting to elect new

                                 chair.  All parents welcome to attend.

Friday 14th February          School closes for half term

Monday 24th February         Inset Day (School Closed to Children)

Tuesday 25th February        School opens to pupils from 8 45am.


Flowery Friends News

Extraordinary General Meeting – 5th Feb 5pm

The PTFA would like to call an extraordinary General meeting to vote in a chair to lead the PTFA committee.

If you are interested in this volunteer role, please see the job description on our social media page. You will need to make your application in writing to Mrs C Silk no later than 5pm on Monday 27th January at

During the EGM we will be appointing the chair for the next term of office which will last until May 2026.

Everyone is welcome to attend the EGM, which will be held in the school hall. If you wish to vote in a chair at the meeting, please make every effort to arrive on time to hear all pitches in full.