A great start to the Spring term!
Children across school are taking on the role of scientists as they begin their new learning for the spring term. Our younger children have been finding out about different habitats, exploring our Flowery farm, what life is like under the sea and adaptations for those creatures living in Antartica.
On Monday, several of our older pupils had the opportunity to take part in a competition at Manchester United Training ground, although the children were disappointed with the result, we are extremely proud of their efforts. We are pleased to announce that we are currently working with coaches from ‘A Chance to Shine’. This programme gives children the chance to not only play cricket, but grow a love for the sport, learn vital life skills, improve wider wellbeing and fulfil their potential. As this is an outside provider, places are available but cost £3 a session. Special mention to Mr Wright for providing such opportunities for our little people.
On Tuesday, our Y2 children had the opportunity to work with a Bubble Artist to help us remember, our special friend Lila. I know many families shared in the bubbles at home time. A huge thank you to the continued support for Lila’s family and our Flowery community as we come together to remember. Special thanks go to Ray from Paris Bubbles who is the artist kindly donating his time and expertise to support us. Paris Bubbles | Bubble Artists | Manchester, North West England.
Within our assemblies, we have focused on our school value of ambition. Last week, we found out about Tenzig Norgay, who alongside Edmond Hilary was the first to reach the summit of Mount Everest. This week, we have focused on the famous performer, Josephine Baker and the difference she has made to the lives of others. We are encouraging the children to reflect on our school values of striving, team work, ambition and resilience in achieving their own goals. We continue to encourage the children to share their achievements in or weekly celebration assemblies which take place on Thursdays in Key Stage 2 and Fridays in Key Stage 1.
We continue to work hard to ensure all families receive regular updates, these are also posted on the website, Twitter feed and Facebook page. Our Twitter feed continues to showcase learning across school, whilst our Facebook page offers support to families, provide reminders about upcoming events and answers any queries. If you have a concern of an urgent nature please phone school or email
Wishing you a lovely and relaxing weekend
Kind regards
Mrs Silk
Please can we remind families not to leave cars unattended in the drop off zones. We need to ensure we can keep traffic moving to enable all children to get into school safely.
Likewise, please can we ask that our disabled bays are prioritised for our wheelchair users at the end of the school day. Our pastoral team continue to support other disabled families who may require support in collecting their children.
Upcoming Events
Monday 20th January After school clubs Begin
Thursday 23rd January Panto comes to Flowery!
Friday 14th February School closes for half term
Monday 24th February Inset Day (School Closed to Children)
Tuesday 25th February School opens to pupils from 8 45am.