Gallant Frog Stock Illustrations – 2 Gallant Frog Stock Illustrations,  Vectors & Clipart - DreamstimeFROGGY STARS - STRIVE -TEAM - AMBITION - RESILIENCE = SUCCESS



Firstly, I would like to thank you for your support this week in getting our children into school safely. It has been lovely to have the children back in school they have all settled well and appear to be looking forward to the year ahead. 

Despite the cold weather, our children continue to achieve great things.  This week we have had the pleasure of taking our Year 6 children to Robinwood.  The children behaved impeccably and were a credit to the school and their families.  I am extremely proud of the way the children challenged themselves, pushing themselves out of their comfort zone to tackle new things.  Over the next few weeks, we will share these experiences with our younger pupils during our assemblies, thinking about how we can support each other to overcome our fears. Likewise, our Y5 pupils have definitely demonstrated how resilient they are in beginning their Bikeability training.  We are hoping to complete the course later in the year. 

Many parents have requested that their children change to school dinners during the recent cold spell.  We have arranged a Takeaway Treat Day on Thursday 16th January, where all KS1 children will have the chance to sample our menu.  We will be offering Fish and Chips, Pizza and even Ice Cream!  Other children are welcome to sign up through the app.  Please note all meals need to be ordered at least 24 hours in advance.

On Tuesday, we have sourced a Bubble Artist, to help us remember, our special friend Lila. Our Y2 children will all have the opportunity to create their own bubble masterpieces and take part in a special magical performance. We are extremely grateful to Mrs Vo Mullin for organising this special surprise.  If anyone would like to make a donation in memory of Lila, please send a donation into school for Lila’s Light.  Special thanks go to Ray from Paris Bubbles who is the artist kindly donating his time and expertise to support us. Paris Bubbles | Bubble Artists | Manchester, North West England 

We are currently finalising our after-school club offer, booking will open on Monday the 13th January at 3 15pm, with clubs commencing from Monday 20th January.  We are currently exploring affordable opportunities within the local area, if you are aware of a club that may be willing to offer taster or low cost classes please get in touch.  Our new Flowery Fun club continues to provide wrap around care for those families that require support outside of our normal school day.  A limited number of places remain before and after school.  Please get in touch with the office if you would like to reserve a place.

We are extremely grateful for your continued support and look forward to working together to enable your children to reach their full potential throughout 2025.

Kind regards

Mrs Silk

Upcoming Events

Monday 13th January          Booking opens for After School Clubs at 3 15pm

Wednesday 15th January      Flowery Friends Meeting 3 30pm. (All parents welcome)

Thursday 16th January        Takeaway Treat Day!

Monday 20th January          After school clubs Begin

Thursday 23rd January        Panto comes to Flowery!

Friday 14th February          School closes for half term

Monday 24th February         Inset Day (School Closed to Children)

Tuesday 25th February        School opens to pupils from 8 45am.