Week – 13.12.24
Firstly, I would like to thank families for their kindness. We know this time of year can be difficult for many and have been touched by the generosity shown by members of our community. Thank you for your kind words, cards and gifts.
We've had a lovely time celebrating with our friends during our Christmas Dinner Days. The photos of this event reflect the fun that was had by all! Special mention to our kitchen staff who have cooked and served over 400 dinners!
On Wednesday and Thursday we welcomed our EYFS families to our festive sing along events. It was great to see how much the children have progressed over the term. Our Y2 children will be performing their version of the nativity story next week, complete with festive sing along within other year groups. We are incredibly proud of them all!
We finished off the week, with our Y3 Christmas craft event. It was lovely to see so many families attending and we hope you will treasure your creations for many years to come.
Finally, I would like to announce that Mrs Edmundson is leaving us at the end of the term to take up a new appointment closer to home. Mrs Edmundson has made a huge difference during her time with us. On behalf of the Flowery community, I would like to thank her for her incredible commitment, during the 16 years she has worked at Flower, and wish her well in her future role. We look forward to welcoming Ms Graham who will be joining the nursery team in January.
Wishing you a lovely weekend
Mrs Silk
Upcoming Events
Monday 16th December Y3/4 Festive Celebration 9 15am (Parents Welcome)
Tuesday 17th December Santa Bus for Reception and Year 1
Tuesday 17th December Y1 Festive Celebration 9 15 am (Parents Welcome)
2pm Y2 Nativity Performance (Parents Welcome)
Wednesday 18th December 9 30 Y2 Nativity Performance (Parents Welcome)
Thursday 19th December Christmas party day (Non Uniform)
Friday 20th December Y5/6 Festive Celebration 9 15 am (Parents Welcome)
School closes for Christmas at 1 30pm (Christmas Jumper)
Monday 6th January School reopens to pupils
Y6 Residential to Robinwood
Wednesday 15th January Flowery Friends Meeting 3 30pm.
We are aware that many families would like to support our farm. We have signed up to Easyfundraising, this is a great way to support school (whilst shopping online) and the best bit is it doesn't cost you a penny more
FROGGY NEWS - 06.12.24 FROGGY NEWS - 22.12.24