Week – 20.12.24
On behalf of the team at Flowery, I would like to thank you for your kind words, cards, donations and gifts. We are extremely touched by the kindness within our community and look forward to what the future brings for Flowery!
We have had a lovely week, continuing our festive celebrations with our remaining year groups and watching the Y2 nativity. I’m sure you will agree that this was one of our best performances to date! Special mention to the staff and of course Mr G and Mrs Lawton who have made these events possible. I know how much the children have enjoyed showcasing their talents!
We have finished off the term celebrating our success with our Christmas Parties. Lots of fun was had by all, it was lovely to see the children socialising together, enjoying spending time playing games and chatting to each other. We look forward to celebrating our other special events throughout the year.
On behalf of the Flowery Friends team, I would like to thank you for your generous contributions. The raffle raised over £500 which will be invested into future events for families to enjoy. Likewise, the Y6 fundraising team have also asked me to pass on their thanks for your contributions to the Y6 festive Tombola which was held to raise money for this year’s leavers events. They raised a phenomenal £479.80.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a lovely beak and send my best wishes for 2025!
Wishing you all a relaxing and enjoyable break.
Mrs Silk
Upcoming Events
Friday 20th December Y5/6 Festive Celebration 9 15 am (Parents Welcome)
School closes for Christmas at 1 30pm (Christmas Jumper)
Monday 6th January School reopens to pupils
Y6 Residential to Robinwood
Wednesday 15th January Flowery Friends Meeting 3 30pm.
We are aware that many families would like to support our farm. We have signed up to Easyfundraising, this is a great way to support school (whilst shopping online) and the best bit is it doesn't cost you a penny more
FROGGY NEWS - 13.12.24 FROGGY NEWS - 03.01.25