Summer Term – 14.07.23
Firstly, I would like to thank our sports team Mr Wright, Mr Chat and Miss Lawton for organising our annual sports week. The children really loved the events and the whole school dance created an Olympic feel. We are extremely grateful to the families that supported these events and those that attended our after-school family sessions. This support is what makes Flowery such a special place.
We are also pleased to announce that following the success of our after-school clubs, our KS1 and 2 cheerleaders have both won first place in their regional competitions. The children had a great time competing at Copley and are already planning on how they can improve their performance next year! Look out for our after school cheer club starting inn September.
Our final family event takes place on Wednesday. We still have a limited number of tickets available. Please click on the link to purchase tickets. https://flowery-field-ptfa.pembee.app/ This is a festival themed fun event which replaces last year’s summer fayre. We are extremely grateful to the Flowery Friends team who have organised this event, ensuring that there will be lots of fun activities for all! However we are still in desperate need of volunteers. If you are able to help please speak to a member of staff at the drop off point.
Wishing you all, a relaxing and enjoyable weekend.
Mrs Silk
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday 19th July Family Event – School’s Out for Summer
Thursday 20th July Y2 Transition Meeting 2 30pm – Parents welcome
Y5 Film Premier 5pm
Friday 21st July Special Assembly (Invite Only)
Wednesday 26th July Y6 Leavers’ Party
Thursday 27th July Y6 Leavers’ Assembly 2pm
Friday 28th July School closes for Summer (early finish 1 30pm )
Monday 4th September INSET
Tuesday 5th September Start of Autumn Term – All pupils arrive at 8 45.