Summer Term – 7.07.2
On Monday, we celebrated Eid Ul Adha with our friends. Despite the bad weather the children enjoyed a whole school picnic and treasure hunt. Our Muslim children were keen to share their experiences with their friends.
On Wednesday, our Y6 pupils performed in the Children’s Shakespeare festival at the Lowry theatre. The children have worked exceptionally hard over the last few weeks and pulled off a stunning performance of Twelth Knight. It was lovely to see so many families and ex pupils supporting them, many of whom had appeared at the Lowry when they were at Flowery.
All children should have received a letter regarding the transition arrangements for September. We are pleased to announce that both Mrs Vo-Mullins and Mrs Madigan will be returning from maternity leave during the next academic year. Mrs Vo-Mullins will be joining the Y1 team whilst Mrs Madigan and Mr G will be supporting 3AW as they move to Y4.
We will be providing opportunities for the children to meet their class teachers prior to the end of term. We would like to invite our current Y2 parents to join us for a brief transition meeting on Thursday 20th July at 2 30pm. You will have the opportunity to meet the teachers and visit classrooms. All other year groups will have this opportunity in September.
We are incredibly proud of our children’s achievements, both within and outside of the classroom and extremely grateful for your support and encouragement. We know the children will continue to flourish as they move into their new classes.
Sports Events
We are really looking forward to celebrating this success during our annual sports events. Please can we ask all children to arrive in their PE kit on their allocate day. Parents are welcome to attend these events and take their place on the school field. Our events are due to start at 9 15.
Family Event
Tickets are now on sale for our final family event – please click on the link to purchase tickets. https://flowery-field-ptfa.pembee.app/
This s a festival themed fun event which takes place on Wednesday 19th July. This event replaces last year’s summer fayre. We are extremely grateful to the Flowery Friends team who have organised this event, ensuring that there will be lots of fun activities for all! However we are still in desperate need of volunteers. If you are able to help please speak to a member of staff at the drop off point.
Wishing you all a relaxing and enjoyable weekend.
Mrs Silk
Upcoming Events:.
Monday 10th July Transition Visits take place for new nursery and reception pupils (Mon to Wed).
Please see letter for allocated date and time.
Year 3 and 4 Sports Day 9 15 am (Parents Welcome)
Family After School Club – Ultimate Frisbee Y4/5
Tuesday 11th July Reception Sports Day 9 15 am (Parents Welcome)
Family After School Club – Dance ( R, Y1 and Y2)
Wednesday 12th July Year 5 and 6 Sports Day 9 15 am (Parents Welcome)
Family After School Club – Dodgeball (Y2, 3)
Thursday 13th July Nursery Sports Day 9 15 am (Parents Welcome)
Family After School Club – Dance (Y3, 4 and 5)
Friday 14th July Year 1 and 2 Sports Day 9 15 am (Parents Welcome)
Family After School Club – Football Skills (R and Y1)
Wednesday 19th July Family Event – School’s Out for Summer
Thursday 20th July Y2 Transition Meeting 2 30pm – Parents welcome
Y5 Film Premier 5pm
Friday 21st July Special Assembly (Invite Only)
Wednesday 26th July Y6 Leavers’ Party
Thursday 27th July Y6 Leavers’ Assembly
Friday 28th July School closes for Summer (early finish 1 30pm )
Monday 4th September INSET
Tuesday 5th September Start of Autumn Term – All pupils arrive at 8 45.