Summer Term – 23.06.23
This week, I have had the pleasure of attending the Y5 residentials to Mellor Country house, the behaviour of the Y5 children has been impeccable, everyone we have met during the residentials has commented on the children’s manners. The children have been extremely helpful, supporting and encouraging each other to be the best that they can be. I am extremely proud of the way the children have overcome their fears, many sleeping away from home for the first time. Likewise, I am extremely grateful to the staff who have supported this event, over 30 staff who have generously given up their time to make this possible.
Well done to you all!
This term we are focusing on consolidating our learning from across the year. Our EYFS pupils have continued their science learning, watching our caterpillar transforming into a beautiful butterfly. Within KS1, the children have continued thinking about what makes Flowery special, exploring how our school and community have changed over time. We have been fortunate to receive a special delivery from our previous pupil spanning back to the 1930s. We understand that many other members of our community also have connections to Flowery Field and would love to find out more. If anyone has any resources to share please send them in to Mrs Edmondson.
Next week, many of our pupils will be celebrating Eid Ul Adha with their family and friends. We will be marking this special occasion with a non-uniform day and a whole school picnic. This will take place on Monday 3rd July to ensure all members of our school community are included in our celebrations. Please note children will be required to wear their full uniform on Thursday 29th but will have chance to share their Eid outfits on Monday.
During the week of Monday 10th July our annual sports events will take place. All families are invited to share in these events. Within EYFS/KS1 the event will focus on the skills we have been learning in KS1, whilst KS2 events will run as a competitive event. There is no need to books for these events. In addition, we till have a few places remaining for the family taster events. These are a chance for families to try out our after-school clubs. Parents and children can attend together to participate in one of the planned events.
Finally, I would like to congratulate our cheerleaders who participated in the National School’s Cheerleading competition last weekend. Despite significant competition, our teams finished 2nd in Urban Cheer and secured 1st place in the KS2 Pom Category. We are extremely proud of their achievements and know how much they have inspired others within school.
Wishing you all a relaxing and enjoyable weekend.
Mrs Silk
Industrial Action
As you may be aware, the NEU will be taking further industrial action on Wednesday 5th July and Friday 7th July. Unfortunately, due to the significant impact at Flowery Field, I am unable to open fully.
I can confirm that the planned Shakespeare performance will still be going ahead on Wednesday 5th July.
Wednesday 5th July – school closed to all pupils with the exception of Y1, 4 and 6.
Friday 7th July – school closed to all pupils with the exception of Y1, 2 and 4.
We understand that partial opening will cause problems for some families, but wanted to ensue that as many pupils as possible can attend school.
Drowning Prevention Week.
I’m sure we have all been enjoying the recent spell of warm weather and are looking forward to the summer break. We have been devastated to learn that recently there have been a number of water-related incidents locally and nationally that have sadly cost young adults their life.
Over the next week we will be discussing water safety in school, we would encourage families to follow this up at home, to reinforce important messages about staying safe around open water. Warning them of the danger and discussing what to do if they get into trouble (how to float) or see someone else in trouble (call, tell, throw). There are lots of resources on the RLSS website and Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue site.
Upcoming Events:.
Tuesday 20th June Y6 Visit to Hyde High School for pupils attending in September.
Monday 26th June Flowery Friend Meeting 6pm
Wednesday 28th June Eid Ul Adha
Friday 30th June INSET – School closed to pupils
Monday 3rd July Eid Ul Adha Celebration – School Picnic
Wednesday 5th July Industrial Action (School closed to the majority of pupils)
School Open - Y1, 4 and 6 pupils
School closed – N R Y2, Y3 and 5
Y6 Shakespeare at the Lowry
Thursday 6th July Y6 Transition to High School
Friday 7th July Industrial Action (School closed to the majority of pupils)
School Open - Y1, 2 and 4 pupils
School closed – N, R, Y3, Y5 and 6
After school clubs end
Monday 10th July Transition Visits take place for new nursery and reception pupils (Mon to Wed). Please see letter for allocated date and time.
Year 3 and 4 Sports Day 9 15 am (Parents Welcome)
Family After School Club – Ultimate Frisbee Y4/5
Tuesday 11th July Reception Sports Day 9 15 am (Parents Welcome)
Family After School Club – Dance ( R, Y1 and Y2)
Wednesday 12th July Year 5 and 6 Sports Day 9 15 am (Parents Welcome)
Family After School Club – Dodgeball (Y2, 3)
Thursday 13th July Nursery Sports Day 9 15 am (Parents Welcome)
Family After School Club – Dance (Y3, 4 and 5)
Friday 14th July Year 1 and 2 Sports Day 9 15 am (Parents Welcome)
Family After School Club – Football Skills (R and Y1)
Wednesday 19th July Family Event – School’s Out for Summer
Friday 21st July Special Assembly (Invite Only)
Wednesday 26th July Y6 Leavers’ Party
Thursday 27th July Y6 Leavers’ Assembly
Friday 28th July School closes for Summer (early finish 1 30pm )
Monday 4th September INSET
Tuesday 5th September Start of Autumn Term – All pupils arrive at 8 45.