![Image of FROGGY NEWS - 16.06.23](https://files.schudio.com/flowery-field-primary-school/images/news/images_(1).png)
Summer Term – 16.06.23
What a great start to the new term!
This week all classes have had a special visit from Froggy, who came to meet our super scientists. All children have had the opportunity to communicate their learning with other year groups. It has been lovely to see many children continuing their learning at home too! This term we are focusing on consolidating our learning from across the year. Our reception pupils have enjoyed meeting some special creatures, whilst our nursery pupils have opened their own grooming parlour! Within KS1, the children have started looking at what makes Flowery special, exploring our school grounds and local community, they are keen to make a difference and have been considering how they can improve our local environment.
We have lots of fun activities planned for the summer term, including our whole school dance, our annual sports week and a whole school picnic to celebrate Eid Ul Adha. During our annual sports week there will be also be an opportunity for families to participate in some family after school events. Details of these can be found below. Please note you will only need to book one place for your whole family.
Following the success of our Father’s Day craft event, our Flowery Friends’ team are busy planning our final summer event, School’s out for Summer! We are extremely grateful to our amazing team of volunteers who put on these events but recognise that further support is needed if we are to meet the needs of our community. Please consider attending our next meeting to look at how you can support our community. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday 26th June at 6pm in school.
As we approach the end of the school year, we are currently preparing for our transition events which will take place over the next few weeks. I would like to take this opportunity to announce the retirement of Mrs Slinn and Mrs Smith, who will both be leaving us at the end of the summer term. Both colleagues have made a huge difference to so many lives at Flowery, they are a huge part of what makes Flowery special and will be missed by us all! I know you would all like to join me in thanking them for their dedication and commitment during their expansive careers. I know that they have worked with so many members of our community and that you will all have special memories you may wish to share. We will be having a special assembly on Friday 21st July in recognition of the huge contribution they have made to our whole school community and would welcome families to contribute any photos/memories they have. Both colleagues will be attending our final family event scheduled for the 19th July which will give families a chance to meet with them in person to wish them well on their retirement.
Finally, we would like to wish our cheerleaders good luck as they participate in the National School’s Cheerleading competition. This is an amazing opportunity for our young people who have worked extremely hard over the last few months to learn and polish their routine. They have already showcased their routine to others within school who were mesmerised by their performance.
Wishing you all a relaxing and enjoyable weekend.
Mrs Silk
School Day
Following our consultation, we can confirm that school will commence at 8 45 and finish at 3 15 from September. This is in line with the DFE’s recommendation that schools are open for 32.5 hours a week. We understand that the High School will operate at similar times to enable older siblings to continue to support drop off and pick up.
As we prepare for the new school year, please can we remind all parents of expectations regarding uniform All children are required to adhere to our uniform policy, which includes school shoes. We have noticed an increase in children wearing expensive items to school, these are not permitted. Please can we also remind parents that only our school PE kit is permitted on PE days. Details of our uniform can be found here: https://floweryfieldschool.org.uk/parents/school-uniform
Upcoming Events:.
Sunday 18th June National Schools Cheerleading Competition
Monday 19th June Y5 Residential to Mellor
Tuesday 20th June Y6 Visit to Hyde High School for pupils attending in September.
Monday 26th June Flowery Friend Meeting 6pm
Thursday 29th June Eid Ul Adha
Friday 30th June INSET – School closed to pupils
Monday 3rd July Eid Ul Adha Celebration – School Picnic
Wednesday 5th July Y6 Shakespeare at the Lowry
Thursday 6th July Y6 Transition to High School
Friday 7th July Y6 Transition to High School
After school clubs end
Monday 10th July Transition Visits take place for new nursery and reception pupils (Mon to Wed). Please see letter for allocated date and time.
Year 3 and 4 Sports Day 9 15 am (Parents Welcome)
Family After School Club – Ultimate Frisbee Y4/5
Tuesday 11th July Reception Sports Day 9 15 am (Parents Welcome)
Family After School Club – Dance ( R, Y1 and Y2)
Wednesday 12th July Year 5 and 6 Sports Day 9 15 am (Parents Welcome)
Family After School Club – Dodgeball (Y2, 3)
Thursday 13th July Nursery Sports Day 9 15 am (Parents Welcome)
Family After School Club – Dance (Y3, 4 and 5)
Friday 14th July Year 1 and 2 Sports Day 9 15 am (Parents Welcome)
Family After School Club – Football Skills (R and Y1)
Wednesday 19th July Family Event – School’s Out for Summer
Friday 21st July Special Assembly (Invite Only)
Wednesday 26th July Y6 Leavers’ Party
Thursday 27th July Y6 Leavers’ Assembly
Friday 28th July School closes for Summer (early finish 1 30pm )
Monday 4th September INSET
Tuesday 5th September Start of Autumn Term – All pupils arrive at 8 45.