Summer Term Week 9 - 10.7.22
What a lovely week!
This week, I have had the pleasure of attending the Y5 residentials to Mellor Country house and the Y6 Shakespeare performance at the Lowry. The behaviour of the Y5 children has been impeccable, everyone we have met during the residentials has commented on the children’s manners, the children have been extremely helpful, supporting and encouraging each other to be the best that they can be. I am extremely proud of the way the children have overcome their fears, many sleeping away from home for the first time. Well done to you all!
Our Y6 children once again pulled off a stunning performance at the Lowry theatre of Shakespeare’s play Macbeth. The children have worked extremely hard over the last few weeks, singing, dancing and acting. This level of commitment was evident throughout the performances. We are extremely proud of the way the children conducted themselves during their time at the Lowry and the confidence displayed when performing in front of 100s of people.
We have also received the results from our End of Key Stage assessments, we know how hard the children have worked, attending morning clubs, accessing challenges and completing home learning tasks. We are extremely grateful for your support in helping children across school achieve their full potential. We are proud of our children's results who continue to perform in line with national by the end of KS2, outperforming national in 4 out of 5 measures. We know that they will continue to build on their success!
Eid Ul Adha
We hope you have all had a lovely weekend, especially our Muslim families who have been celebrating Eid Ul Adha. Tomorrow (Monday) we will be wearing our own clothes to mark this occasion. We are asking families to donate to the flooding relief programme in Bangladesh. Many of our extended families have been affected over the last few weeks and any donations will be greatly appreciated. I have spoken to the Imam of Hyde Jamia Mosque who has provided the following link for our donations:
We will be holding a cake sale outside of the office at the end of the school day. Donations are welcome and can be brought to the office.
Summer Fayre
Our Summer fayre takes place on Sunday 17th July between 11 and 2. We are extremely grateful to the Flowery Friends team who have organised this event, ensuring that there will be lots of fun activities for all!
We will be holding a non-uniform day on Friday to ask for donations of chocolate or bottles for our tombola. All donations will be greatly received.
We are always looking at ways to strengthen our community and would welcome any ideas you may have. It would be great to share families own cultures and traditions as part of this work. We will be holding our first coffee morning on Friday 22nd July 11am – 12pm to look at how we can further strengthen relationships within our community. Please feel free to attend or email admin@floweryfield.tameside.sch.uk if you would like to get involved.
I am extremely grateful to the staff and pupils who give up their time to support the farm. I have a small group of volunteers who regularly attend to care for the animals. Over the summer, the Alpacas, Pigs and Goats will be housed by Garden House Farm at Marple Bridge, howver we need to find homes for the rabbits and chickens. We are asking families to consider homing the animals over the summer break. All equipment, food and bedding will be provided. Please email admin@floweryfield.tameside.sch.uk if you can help.
Upcoming Events
Saturday 9th July Eid Ul Adha
Monday 11th July Eid celebrations (All children are asked to join us in wearing their own clothes to celebrate
this special time of year).
Cake sale after school to raise money for the Flood relief programme in Bangladesh.
Friday 15th July Non uniform day in aid of donations for the school fayre. We are asking families to donate
a chocolate bar or a bottle if possible.
Sunday 17th July Summer Fayre 11-2pm (All families and friends invited)
Mon 18th July Arts Week
Wed 20th July Y5 Film Premier – time TBC
Friday 22nd July 11-12 Coffee Morning – Cultural Awareness Group (All parents welcome).
School reports sent home
Monday 25th July Y6 Leavers’ Party
Tuesday 26th July Y6 Leavers’ Assembly 2pm (Parents invited)
Wed 27th July School breaks up for summer at 1.30
Monday 5th Sept Autumn term begins
Please check the school calendar and the news section of our website for the weekly newsletter for any changes.
Wishing you all a relaxing and enjoyable weekend.
Mrs Silk