Reflections on week 28
Happy St George’s Day – I hope you all noticed that we were flying the flag today!
It has been a very productive week in school and all of the children have come back ready to get “stuck in” and continue making progress.
The good news regarding local case numbers of coronavirus is down to the whole community continuing to play their part in the “hands / face/ space and fresh air” campaign. As far as guidance to schools goes, we are still maintaining strict ‘bubbles’ of different groups meaning that assemblies, clubs and other mixings remain ‘banned’ for the time being. The lovely spring weather we have enjoyed has allowed for more outdoor learning and left the school more comfortable as we open all the windows.
We are pleased to see so many children are now coming to school in appropriate PE kits on the days when their lessons fall. I’m sure that the reopening of all shops will make it easier for parents to meet our uniform and PE kit expectations and allow your child to look like one of “our team”.
The school site is an obvious source of local infections with large numbers of parents at drop-off and home times. I remind everyone that all adult visitors to the school site (including high school children) must wear a face covering. If you cannot, please let the pastoral team know and arrangements will be made to collect and deliver your child to the gates. Furthermore, our COVID risk reduction plan allows for only one parent or carer to come on site from each family – your support with this is appreciated as it helps keep numbers down and makes social distancing easier.
We will continue to operate our staggered start and finish times for the time being.
Years 1, 2, 4 and 5 start at 8.40am and close at 2.50pm
Years Rec, 3 and 6 start at 8.50am and close at 3pm.
One important safeguarding point… I have seen some unpleasant and concerning content that is currently circulating on ‘Tiktok’ and want to take this opportunity to remind parents to monitor carefully what your child may be viewing.
The incubators in our Reception and Year 5 classes have both seen chicks hatching and other year groups have or will soon get the opportunity to meet our new arrivals. We all have our fingers crossed for the ducklings that are due during the middle of next week.
Thank you for the encouraging comments regarding our new playground project. It is progressing well thanks to the benign weather and we hope to have it ready for the children to enjoy before too long.
Enjoy the sunshine and stay safe,
Best wishes
Mr Fell