Reflections on week 27
We have made it to the end of this term and haven’t had to close a bubble. You will appreciate my huge sigh of relief! The children and staff have worked hard together since our reopening and I know that all deserve a restful and enjoyable Easter break.
Arts Week has been very enjoyable, creative and productive. Please look out for the links to the class video galleries to share the wonderful creations.
This week has seen the beginning of the relaxing of the Covid lockdown regulations allowing families to meet up again and other activities to open. (My own son loved restarting training with his sports team and Mr G has returned to the tennis courts!) However, I note that Tameside is again top of the infection rates table for Greater Manchester and 11th across the whole country. It would be a real shame if further restrictions were to be imposed, so ask again for everyone to follow the guidance.
The Government has confirmed that residential visits can commence again from May 17th which takes us one step closer to our planned, year 6 Robinwood trip actually going ahead in June! (Parents of y6 children can use the parentpay facility to secure the places.)
Thanks go to the staff and Flowery Friends volunteers who made this week’s Online Easter Egg Bingo a success. It was no easy feat, especially with the younger children, to make this work, however we got there in the end and the children are delighted with their eggs. Your help in making this possible for the children is much appreciated. My special thanks a go also to Mrs Silk’s Mum and Dad, who did wonders with Zoom technology.
Today’s reflection has a more poignant feel as next term in school will be my last before retiring from my post. I am delighted with the decision of the Trust to appoint Mrs Silk as my successor and she will take up the role in September ready for the new school year. The events of this last year as we faced the challenges of the pandemic, were not as I’d hoped my 37 years as a teacher would end. However, the hard work of our great Flowery Field staff and the support and cooperation of our community, are blessings for which am extremely grateful and have allowed us to come through it well.
I hope everyone enjoys the Easter break and I look forward to welcoming you all back to school on Monday 19th April.
Stay safe and best wishes,
Mr Fell