Congratulations to everyone for making it to half term! I know challenging the staff are finding remote learning and how grateful they are for all of your support and engagement. It is certainly a challenge for all concerned.

The Prime Minister has promised us an announcement on the 22nd, which will outline the “route map” out of lockdown. I share everyone’s hope that we will soon after be able to welcome children back into school.

I want to thank the office staff for ensuring that FSM vouchers have gone to all eligible families. Looking back over just this school year, they have had to deal with many changes of policy from the and have risen to meet this challenge.  I encourage anyone needing help or support to contact the Pastoral team in confidence.

I hope that everyone enjoys the half term break from remote learning and is ready on Monday 22nd to join your “teams” once again.

As ever, please stay safe,

Best wishes,

Mr Fell