This lockdown is certainly proving far more challenging than the last, however, I remain positive for two reasons. Firstly, the sacrifice that everyone is making is finally beginning to achieve results. After at least a month of lockdown, figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) suggest positive tests are falling in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The UK's reproduction or 'R number' is estimated to be between 0.7 and 1 and swab tests from people signed up to the Covid symptom app suggest cases are down 70% from their peak. I'm sure that you all share my hope that these encouraging developments mean we are able to reopen schools before too long.
Secondly, despite that frustrations and challenges that our families face, all the staff share my delight at what you are able to achieve. Your contributions, uploads and responses are a credit to the support you are giving your children and I thank you for all of your hard work.
The staff are busy planning are next half term's lessons and, although we may start them remotely, we are all set to welcome the children back as soon as it is deemed safe to do so. (I am not sure why the Government insists on giving 2 weeks' notice, we would be ready within 24 hours!)
Please stay safe and stay strong,
best wishes,
Mr Fell