Dear All,
Well what a first week back it has been! On Sunday schools were fully open and yet on Monday (why wait until 8pm to tell us?) they were once again in lockdown.
The efforts of the staff, who all have their own worries and anxieties, were fantastic, and we were able to reopen with home-schooling up and running on Wednesday. The reality and seriousness of the situation is underlined by the fact that we currently have 3 teachers who have tested positive and 11 other staff absent, self-isolating. I find it shaming and disgraceful when I still hear of people claiming that it is all a 'conspiracy'.
This time, we have set ourselves more ambitious targets and hope to have daily face-to-face teaching using Microsoft Teams fully up and running across all years from 2 to 6 by Monday. The older children have used this platform for their homework and are more versed in using this technology. As I write this on Friday, over half of the year 2 children are now connected and ready to go- an amazing achievement when you consider it is new to them and the instructions have all been via phone calls and Facebook. Mrs Silk and I will keep our offer under constant review as I'm sure we haven't got it 'spot on' yet.
From Monday 11th, children attending school are all moving to School A times. Please arrive within the 'window' of 8.40am - 8.50am and collect between 2.40pm and 2.50pm. Please use this flexibility to ensure that there is no crowding on site and keep well away from each other and well back from the classroom doors. Having these children in at this time lets us settle them before trying to connect with the majority joining from home. I'm sure you'll appreciate that the morning registers and online welcomes take much longer than previously and this will help us be ready for lessons starting at 9.15am. This change in school times also allows for a more extensive 'deep clean' of the building each day.
I really value your support with keeping as many children at home as possible, especially as we now better understand how children are 'spreaders' of the new variant of the virus. We all want this lockdown to be the last one! I know that many parents are working from home or are dealing with younger children plus other caring responsibilities as well as juggling with the demands of 'home schooling'. Please be assured that we value everything you can do and have changed the assignment timings to be as flexible as possible. To achieve what you reasonably can is all anyone can ask at this time. Any constructive feedback is always welcome and can be emailed to me or Mrs Silk using a.fell@floweryfield.tameside.sch.uk or c.silk@floweryfield.tameside.sch.uk
Having anticipated that we could well be in this situation, I have sourced a number of devices to assist with online learning. I repeat my plea - please let me know if you are struggling with any lack of connectivity or shortage of equipment and we will do our very best to resolve the difficulties.
Furthermore, apologies - whilst concentrating on ipads and connectivity, I have neglected to consider that some children may lack basic stationery to complete tasks. The small room inside the front door of school is now full of exercise books, pencils rubbers etc - please help yourself or phone school if you are self-isolating.
Jane Beswick, from BLIS (Behaviour, Learning and Inclusion Service) informs me they are running a parents' helpline to provide support during lockdown. The number is 0161 342 5503.
Free School Meals - we will be emailing ASDA vouchers with a value of £12.50 per child per week out on a fortnightly basis. Please email admin@floweryfield.tameside.sch.uk putting FSM in the subject box and your children's names in the message to confirm your email address. Once set up, these cannot be changed.
Next week will be better- it has to be!
Best wishes and please keep safe,
Mr Fell