Dear parents and carers,
Further to my previous posts regarding our Free School Meal provision during this latest 'lockdown'. I had been informed that support would be funded at £12.50 per child per week and have ordered vouchers to this value which will be emailed to the addresses you have confirmed with the school office. (If you have not done this yet, please send an email to admin@floweryfield.tameside.sch.uk putting FSM in the subject box and your child / children's name in the message.) These will be emailed out today and tomorrow, so please let us know if you haven't received them by Thursday. They will be sent on a fortnightly basis, so you should get £25 per child to cover this week and next.
Yesterday afternoon, the Government announced an increase in the funding available (as always, too late to be helpful!) This will increase the value of the vouchers to £15 per week per child. This news came too late to change my current order and so, I'll adjust the vouchers we send out on w/c 25th January to include this additional amount and will include the £2.50 shortfall in the current vouchers.
Children currently attending school do not qualify for these vouchers as they can access a lunch at school.
best wishes
Mr Fell