Dear All,
School will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday 5th January and will reopen on Wednesday 6th for key worker and 'vulnerable' children only, with all other children being taught remotely at home. This closure will allow me the opportunity to plan with staff our way forward up to the February half term break.
Tomorrow, arrangements for remote teaching will be announced across all year groups. This will include assistance for families to ensure that they can access the provision.
We will apply the same criteria as during the first 'lockdown' when allocating places to "key worker" children, keeping in mind the vital importance of minimising the numbers in school. Similarly, places for children deemed 'vulnerable' will be allocated using the national guidance. Further information about how to apply for places will be published at 10am tomorrow and posted on the website, the PTA Facebookpage and on our Twitter feed. (Please do not call school before this time as it will delay our preparations and planning.)
At this stage, you will appreciate I still have more questions than answers, however, as soon as more details emerge, I will share these with parents and carers through the usual channels.
I share everyone's frustration and disappointment with the Prime Minister's timing, especially as yesterday he insisted that schools would remain open. Be assured that the whole team at school will do everything they can to ensure we provide the best possible provision for our children and families.
Best wishes,
Mr Fell