Arrangements for Wednesday 6th January
Children deemed 'Vulnerable' and those with 'Key Worker' status who have been offered a place, should attend school at the times of their class following their school A, B or C times (8.40am, 8.55am or 9.10am) and be collected similarly. The pastoral team are working hard to deal with all requests and returning calls and answering emails as quickly as possible. I'm grateful for your patience. Please call if you haven't heard from us and you believe you meet the criteria for Key Worker provision.
Children working from home in years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will be invited to a preliminary meeting on Microsoft Teams at 9.15am to establish working routines with the classes.
Year 2 children at home will work with their teachers to learn how to engage using Microsoft Teams and the staff will be manning the Facebook page to assist. By Monday of next week, year 2 will have moved their provision onto Microsoft Teams.
Children at home from years 1, Reception and Nursery will receive a work pack and be encouraged and supported by their teachers using the year group Facebook pages. The staff have hand-delivered most of these packs today, however, if you live 'out of area' they have been posted 1st class.
Can I please remind all that I am trying to keep the number of children in school to an absolute minimum. Key worker places are only available if both parents meet this criterion and then only on the days you are actually in work.
Please also let me know about about any issues or problems you have with accessing our online learning.
best wishes
Mr Fell