This week we have completed our science learning, throughout the topic the children have loved exploring our school grounds, our younger pupils are now able to identify many plants within our school grounds, whilst our Y3 pupils have started thinking about how they can take care of our environment by planting new things. All classes will be applying this learning after half term as they think about the difference that can be made in school and beyond.
This half term our Y6 pupils have completed their SATs. We are extremely proud of the effort they have put in and the level of resilience they have shown when tackling tricky questions. Special mention to our staff, who ensured our children were not phased by these assessments. Following the half term break, our Y4 pupils will be tackling the Multiplication check, whilst our Y1 children will be completing their phonic screening.
We have lots of fun activities planned for the summer term, including our whole school dance, our annual sports week and a whole school picnic to celebrate Eid Ul Adha. Our younger pupils also have an Early Bug Ball planned whilst our Y5 pupils will be going on their first residential! These will be showcased at the Lowry in July. This is an amazing opportunity for our young people and will create lasting memories.
Our after school clubs finish on Friday 30th June. During our sports week there will be opportunities for families to try out the different sports we have available after school. Mr Wright is currently putting a programme together and these will be available to book through the MCAS App. Further details to be announced.
As we prepare for the new school year, please can we remind all parents of expectations regarding uniform All children are required to adhere to our uniform policy, which includes school shoes. We have noticed an increase in children wearing expensive items to school, these are not permitted. Please can we also remind parents that only our school PE kit is permitted on PE days. Details of our uniform can be found on our website.
Finally, I would like to thank all those who attended our Flowery Friends AGM. We would like to say a huge thank you to last years committee and all the volunteers who have helped at our events. We have had lots of positive feedback and look forward to another successful year. We would like to thank those members stepping down for their contributions over the last year, especially Rachel K (chair) and Halima. We wish our new committee success as they continue to work together to strengthen our community.
Wishing you a lovely half term break with your family and friends.
Mrs Silk
We are looking for parents to join our academy improvement team. Please click on the link to find out more:
Academy Improvement Committee Member - West | The Enquire Learning Trust
Upcoming Events:.
Friday 24th May Break up for Whit Holidays
Monday 10th June School Opens following whit break.
Y1 Phonic Screening Check
Y4 Times table Check
Tuesday 11th Jume 2pm Reception Early Bug Ball
4pm Y4/5/6 SRE Meeting for Parents (Come and find out about our curriculum).
Wednesday 12th June 4 30 pm Flowery Friends Team (Come and meet the committee)
Monday 17th June Y5 Residential Week
Eid Ul Adha (suggested date)
Tuesday 18th June Eid Celebration in school (Non Uniform)
Friday 28th June Morning and After School Provision Ends
Monday 1st July INSET DAY (school closed to pupils)
Open event for nursery and reception starters 2- 4pm
Thursday 10th July Flowery Festival (Flowery Friends Event)
Monday 15th July Sports Week (Further details to follow)
Friday 19th July Farm Day – Non Uniform (Please make a donation to Garden House Farm who will
be looking after our animals during the holidays
Monday 22nd July School Reports sent home
Friday 26th July School finishes at 1 30