Gallant Frog Stock Illustrations – 2 Gallant Frog Stock Illustrations,  Vectors & Clipart - DreamstimeFROGGY STARS - STRIVE -TEAM - AMBITION - RESILIENCE = SUCCESS


Despite this being a short week in school, the children have embraced the learning activities on offer. 

Within our science lessons, the children have been discovering what living things need to survive.  Our youngest children have carried out their own experiments, using their senses to explore changes over time, whilst our older children have been exploring the workings of the human body.  Our Year 6 pupils have been focusing on the key organs of the body, exploring the impact of lifestyle choices.  Children across school have been encouraged to keep their minds and bodies healthy. 

Within our assemblies, we have focused on our STAR values and what it means to be part of Flowery.  Last week the children have explored what makes them unique, whilst this week has focused on showing respect for the beliefs and cultures of others,  Please reinforce these important messages at home. 

Last week, we had a visit from Tameside Music Service.  Children in Y2 – 5 found out more about the music service and had the opportunity to find out about different instruments that make up an orchestra.  Following requests from parents we have managed to source private music lessons; these can take place either within the school day or after school.  All lessons need to be booked and paid for through the following link:  

Next week marks the start of our assessment period in school. These assessments only capture a small snapshot of your child’s learning, they do not reflect their level of determination, excellent learning attitudes and wider achievements.  We are extremely proud of all our children and know they will continue to experience success, as they move through school and transition to high school. We would encourage you to reflect on the progress your child has made and remind them of how amazing they truly are.


Finally, I would like to thank all those families that have donated resources to support our outdoor play and learning.  We are still in urgent need of pots and pans, gardening tools and used scaffolding boards.  On Friday 24th May, we will be holding a non uniform day to help us raise funds for this important area of school.  If anyone has any links to local businesses, we have created an amazon wishlist in the hope of gaining further support, Please click on the link here: 


Wishing you a relaxing and enjoyable weekend

Mrs Silk

IMPORTANT NOTICE – Do you want to get more involved in our school community?

Do you fancy joining our Flowery Friends team?


Our  Annual General Meeting takes place on the 23rd May (5pm-8pm),  We will be electing our Chair, Secretary and Treasurer during this meeting.  Details of these roles can be found on the Facebook page or by speaking with one of the drop off team.  Nominations must be made in advance,


The meeting is your chance to find out more about the work we do and help plan events for future years.  We are incredibly grateful for the work of our current committee and would ask that all families consider joining, even if you can only commit a few hours a month. 


Many hands make light work or in the words of the children ‘Together we’re Stronger!’


Upcoming Events:.

Monday 6th May               Bank Holiday (School Closed)

Monday 13th May              Key Stage 2 SATs

Thursday 23rd May            Flowery Friends AGM 5-8pm

Friday 24th May               Non Uniform Day to support Outdoor Play and Learning

                                         Break up for Whit Holidays

Monday 10th June             School Opens following whit break.

                                          Y1 Phonic Screening Check

                                          Y4 Times table Check