![Image of FROGGY NEWS - 3.11.23](https://files.schudio.com/flowery-field-primary-school/images/news/image-asset.jpeg)
Week – 03.11.23
Many thanks for your support yesterday, I am extremely grateful for your support in ensuring all our families could leave safely. I understand the protest passed peacefully due to the support of our local community. Next week, we will be focusing on what we can do to help those affected by the conflict in Gaza. The children will be exploring feelings. On Friday we plan on holding a day of kindness to reflect the great relationships we have within our Flowery community. We will also be collecting donations for the Emergency Gaza appeal through Save the Children. https://www.savethechildren.org.uk/how-you-can-help/emergencies/gaza-emergency-appeal
We have had a lovely week recognising all our children’s achievements through our celebration assemblies. We would like to thank all those who attended these events. The children have loved sharing their work within science, building on prior learning and developing their skills in planning, conducting and evaluating their experiments. Our learning videos will be shared on our website to enable you to share in your children’s successes.
Over the holidays, we have become aware of an increasing number of children accessing online gaming platforms. We have spoken to children about the importance of keeping themselves safe and ensuring their privacy settings are secured. We would urge all parents to check their child’s devices. To support you in keeping your child safe, we have managed to obtain a range of online safety videos. The links to these will be included in my newsletters over the next few weeks to ensure parents and carers are kept aware of risks online.
As you are aware, our children love learning outdoors. We are currently working with OPAL (Outdoor play and learning) to increase opportunities for our children to make use of our outdoor space. We are looking for any parents with links to the automotive or building trade to help us resource this area of school. We are currently looking for pallets, tyres and plaster board. Please contact school if you are able to support us.
Finally, we would like to thank you for continuing to support your child’s learning at home. Following our recent parents’ evening we have seen an increase in the number of children practising their skills at home through our E-Collins books, TTRS and Ed Shed. Wishing you an enjoyable and relaxing weekend
Mrs Claire Silk
Upcoming Events
Friday 10th November Day of Kindness
(Donations welcome the Gaza Appeal)
Monday 13th November 7pm Online sales for our Flowery Friends Christmas Event
Friday 17th November Y3 Trip to Aviva Studios
Friday 17th November Non-Uniform Day for Children in Need
Monday 20th November Flowery Friends Meeting
Friday 1st December Before and after school clubs finish
Monday 4th December Christmas Dinner Day R and Y5
Tuesday 5th December Christmas Dinner Day Y1 and Y3
Wednesday 6th December Christmas Dinner Day Y2 and Y4
Thursday 7th December Christmas Dinner Day Y6
Thursday 7th December Christmas Craft (Flowery Friends event – ticket only)
Wednesday 13th December Y2 Nativity (Parents welcome)
Thursday 14th December Y2 Nativity (Parents welcome)
Friday 15th December Reception festive event (Families invited from 2pm)
Monday 18th December Christmas Party Day (Wear party clothes)
Tuesday 19th December School closes for Christmas at 1 30pm (Non Uniform)
Wednesday 3rd January School closed for INSET
Thursday 4th January School reopens to pupils
IMPORTANT – Online Safety
Whatever the age of your child they will receive good online safety education in school, from early years through to college. But as parents and carers we want so support you in providing information about the risks and issues our children may face online.
We have obtained resources from Alan Mackenzie who specialises in the ever-changing and evolving area of online safety. The first link provides a brief introduction. https://vimeo.com/847060310/c346d23252?share=copy
Although much of the information is okay for children, there is some information within the videos that may not be appropriate, so please take precautions when watching any of the videos.
The second link provides information about the 4C's which refers to: Content, Contact, Conduct and Commerce. The 4C's is the easiest way of understanding risk regardless of whether you think you are tech savvy or not. https://vimeo.com/847060513/8276e0770e?share=copy
There is a huge range of risks and concerns online. Below you will find links to some common concerns. One of the main concerns from parents is related to adult content. Here is a link that will help you to learn a little more, tips to protect your child and how you can deal with it.
Another concern is related to youth produced sexual images (sometimes called sexting). Here you will find some very useful information. In particular I would recommend reading the document ‘Look at Me’. It is quite long but it gives many useful facts, particularly in relation to vulnerable children.