Gallant Frog Stock Illustrations – 2 Gallant Frog Stock Illustrations,  Vectors & Clipart - DreamstimeFROGGY STARS - STRIVE -TEAM - AMBITION - RESILIENCE = SUCCESS


We have had a lovely week recognising all our children’s achievements through our celebration assemblies. 

Within our assemblies, children have loved sharing their work within history, exploring artefacts, looking at primary and secondary sources to help develop their knowledge and understanding of key events from the past. We are extremely proud of our older pupils who spoke about the importance of learning from the mistakes from the past, in relation to the Transatlantic Slave Trade and World War 1 and 2.     We would like to thank all those who attended these events. 

It was great to see so many parents at our reading workshop too. We received great feedback from those that were able to attend and hope that you are able to explore the resources over the coming weeks with your child. Please note children in reception and year 1 will be coming home with a weekly overview that explains their current learning and provides support so you can help them at home.  This links directly to the learning in class and is supported by the Collins E-book.  If anyone would like to find out more about our approach to reading or requires additional resources, please speak to your child’s teacher. 

Despite the awful weather, our children continue to achieve great things.  Our Y5 pupils have definitely demonstrated how resilient they are in completing their Bikeability training.  Many children have increased their confidence and are now competent out on the roads.  We look forward to sharing in your successes during our assembly. 

We are really looking forward to our after-school clubs commencing on Monday.  There are a few places remaining which can be booked through the app.  If your child is unable to attend please let us know as several of our clubs have waiting lists. If children miss 2 sessions, places will be reallocated.  In addition to our after-school cub offer, we are pleased to announce that Tameside Chess Club have chosen to hold their training sessions at Flowery Field.  This is a great opportunity for our children as the nearest training centre is currently in Ashton.  Sessions run on a Monday night from 615 to 7 45 and cost £1.  We are also hosting an additional after school club on Tuesday’s, with an outside provider, unfortunately there will be a small charge for this provision.  Places and payment can be made through the app.

Finally, can we remind all families to check their details in the MCAS app and update their details.  Following the Christmas break, we have been unable to contact a few families.

Wishing you all an enjoyable and relaxing weekend

Mrs Silk

Important Reminder

Please check your child’s hair regularly.  Unfortunately, we have several confirmed cases of headlice in Year 3.

Chinese New Year

We know that several of our families are making preparations for Chinese New year which takes place next weekend.  We wish all those celebrating, Kung Hei Fat Choi!  We look forward to hearing of your celebrations.  If other families would like to join the celebrations, there are lots of activities that are taking place in Manchester: the legendary dragon parade; live performances; funfair and much more. Please see below:

Sunday 22nd January 

Dragon Parade: Piccadilly Gardens to Chinatown, 12pm 
Performance Stage: Chinatown Carpark, Faulkner Street, from 12pm 
Stalls: Chinatown Carpark, Faulkner Street, Nicolas Street, George Street, Princess Street and Piccadilly Gardens, 12pm-7pm 
Funfair: Charlotte Street, 12pm-7pm 
Illuminated Night Dragon Performance: Chinatown Carpark, Faulkner Street, 5pm and 6pm  

Saturday 21st – Sunday 29th January  

Stalls: Piccadilly Gardens, 12pm-7pm 

Sunday 29th January 

Illuminated Night Dragon Performance: Piccadilly Gardens, 5pm  

Upcoming Events:

Monday 16th January        After School Clubs start

Friday 20th January          Y6 residential to Robinwood

Sunday 22nd January         Chinese New Year

Thursday 26th January       Panto comes to Flowery Field

Wednesday 8th Feb           Tickets on sale for family disco (online). Further details to be confirmed.

Wednesday 15th Feb         Love yourself Disco (Tickets £1.25)

Monday 13th March          School Closed – INSET DAY

                                Tickets on sale for Easter bingo (online).

Friday 17th March            Non Uniform Day (Please bring in a chocolate donation).

Monday 20th March          Easter Bingo (Tickets £1.25).                                                  

                                All children will receive a prize.

Wednesday 22nd March      Start of Ramadan (suggested date)

Thursday 30th March        Flowery Friends Annual General meeting 6pm.  All welcome

Friday 31st March           Easter Holidays

                               After School Clubs End

Monday 17th April           Start of the summer term

Wednesday 19th April       Tickets on sale for family Eid celebration (online)

Friday 21st April             Eid Ul-Fitr (suggested date)

Monday 24th April           Eid Celebration in school

Wednesday 26th April       Eid Celebration (Family Event) – Family lantern making