Spring Term Week 10 – 18.03.22
Firstly, I would like to thank you for support with our collection for those affected by the conflict in Ukraine. We have been overwhelmed by your response. We have raised over £350 and filled 110 boxes to date. Special mention to Mrs Thornley who has co-ordinated our response, ensuring that your donations get to those in need. Once again our Flowery community have gone above and beyond, donating essential supplies and offering to support the sorting and packaging of items. We have had an amazing response to Comic Relief too, we have raised an amazing £390 through the sale of red noses.
This week we have all enjoyed participating in national Science Week. The children have shared their learning with other year groups within school and participated in a range of challenges. Year 1 successfully completed their challenge to make a chair for the 3 bears, whilst Year 4 have used their imagination to invent something to help someone. Mr G has also been busy working with children to improve our school grounds, the children have loved planting trees and flowers to develop our new Rainbow garden. Several of our children have continued their science learning at home. Well done to you all!
In our assemblies we focused on science experiments you can try out at home. Ask the children about the magic fish or jumping pepper. There are lots more experiments you can try here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TtAoNilQ8s. Check out the instructions in the comments section.
Our assemblies continue to focus on Me and My Relationships, the children have loved sharing the people who are special to them in our assemblies this week. We are extremely grateful to the families who have participated in this important part of our curriculum. This week we are focusing on recognising other’s feelings. Check out this week’s activity below:
Activity 3 - Reading someone's feelings
Look through newspapers or magazines and try to guess how a person is feeling from their body language - e.g. from their expressions or how they are standing.
Next, play this game with a family member: make a list of 5 different feelings. Write these on separate, small pieces of paper.
Now fold up the pieces of paper and put them into a bowl or other container - there should be 10 in total.
Take turns to pick out one of the pieces of paper and read it, without the other person seeing what’s on your paper. Next, act out the feeling that’s on your piece of paper. How quickly can your partner guess the right answer? Take turns until all the pieces of paper have been used.
Try again - this time with some different feelings.
We would love to share any photos in school or on our Flowery Friends Facebook page.
Wishing you all a relaxing and enjoyable weekend
Mrs Silk
Upcoming Events:
Monday 21st March – After school Mother’s Day Crafts
Friday 25th March – Tango’s Big Adventure (KS1 only)
Wednesday 30th March – The Theatre comes to Flowery Field
Friday 1st April – Non Uniform event for chocolate donations.
Tuesday 5th April – Parents’ Evening
Wednesday 6th April – Easter Egg Bingo
Friday 8th April – INSET DAY (School closed to Pupils)