Spring Term Week 9 – 11.03.22
What a lovely week of celebration!
This week we have shared our learning in science and art as part of our celebration assemblies. All children have had the opportunity to share their learning through a video montage. Froggy was extremely impressed with the way the children communicated their learning. Many of the children were able to make links with their current learning. Well done to all!
We have seen a significant increase in children attending our before and after school clubs, the children appear to be enjoying these sessions. We are extremely grateful to the staff who go above and beyond to offer these experiences to our children. Next week, we will be reintroducing chess to our after-school offer, if anyone would like to attend please contact the office.
Our assemblies continue to focus on Me and My Relationships, the children have loved sharing their own thoughts and feelings. We are extremely grateful to the families who have participated in this important part of our curriculum. This week we are focusing on the special people who help us. Check out this week’s activity below:
Activity 2 – Looking after my special people
Think about someone who is special to you, then talk about this person with your adult helper - or if you’re doing this by yourself write down your ideas. Use these questions to get you started:
- What is it that makes you feel good about your special person?
- What do we do to make our special people happy?
- How do we feel if we fall out with them?
- What sort of things do we do to make up with them?
Make a thank you card for your special person. If you don’t have any card, you could use paper. Write a message to your special person. Here’s a starter for you "You are special to me because…"
We would love to share these in school or on our Flowery Friends Facebook page.
As part of this work, we have been thinking about the children around the world. Many children are keen to help others around the world. Therefore, we are having a day of kindness to coincide with Red Nose Day. On Friday, children are invited to come in to school in their own clothes and bring a donation to support those affected by the recent conflict in the Ukraine. In addition to this, we have a limited supply of red noses which we will be selling from Monday 14th. These are on sale for £1.50 each.
Wishing you all a relaxing and enjoyable weekend
Mrs Silk
Upcoming Events:
Friday 18th March – Day of Kindness/Red Nose Day (Non Uniform)
Monday 21st March – After school Mother’s Day Crafts
Wednesday 30th March – The Theatre comes to Flowery Field
Friday 25th March – Tango’s Big Adventure (KS1 only)
Friday 1st April – Non Uniform event for chocolate donations.
Tuesday 5th April – Parents’ Evening
Wednesday 6th April – Easter Egg Bingo
Friday 8th April – INSET DAY (School closed to Pupils)
Wishing you all a lovely and relaxing weekend
Mrs Silk