Spring Term Week 8 – 4.03.22
Welcome back!
We have had a great start to our new term, the children have loved having the opportunity to meet up with their friends from other classes and year groups. Our before and after school clubs have also been well attended, ensuring the children have those extra opportunities to experience success. It is great to see our reception and year 1 children attending after school clubs, many of them for the first time. Please note the drop off point is open from 8 40, any children arriving before this time will be directed to the morning clubs on offer.
This half term we will be focusing on geography, our younger children are developing a sense of where in the world they live, understanding the differences between villages, towns and cities. Throughout KS1 and 2, children are focusing on different countries and continents to help them develop their knowledge and understanding of the world.
I would like to say a huge thank you for your support with World Book Day. There were some amazing creations based on some of the books we have read in school. The children clearly enjoyed putting their costumes together and were eager to share their chosen characters. It was lovely to see our younger pupils sharing books with their friends and talking about their favourite part. It would be great if we could build on this momentum by encouraging all families to share books at home. Al children should have a reading book and a bookmark that provides questions to support their comprehension skills. If you require support with reading at home please speak to your child’s class teacher.
This week has also seen us launch our new menu, our turkey burger has been a popular choice this week. Ice cream has also proved a popular choice that has now been added as a regular treat! Many thanks to all those families that have already selected meals for the new term. All meals need to be ordered 2 weeks in advance to enable the kitchen to source supplies. If anyone would like to change to school meals this can be done at the start of the new term. Please note any families who have children in Year 2 or below are entitled to a FSM. Likewise, many families in receipt of Universal Credit are also entitled. For more information please check out the following link: https://www.tameside.gov.uk/schoolmeals
Please note that as attendance rates have improved the year group Facebook pages will only be used to communicate key messages or celebrate success. If you have an urgent query or need to speak to the class teacher please email admin@floweryfield.tameside.sch.uk. Our Flowery Friends PTFA Facebook page and school website continues to provide key information to all.
Froggy Stars – Family News 4/03/22
Over the next few weeks we will be exploring our own thoughts and feelings as part of our topic: Me and My Relationships
As part of this work, we will be looking at how we all have special skills and qualities that make us who we are. We will be exploring friendships and developing our team work skills too. We will think about people who are special to us and who we can turn to for help, when needed.
Each week we will share some fun ideas for things you can do at home. Check out this week’s activity below:
Activity 1 – I am special
Work together as a family to create your own family coat of arms. Think about the things that make you special:
What do you like to do?
Where you like to go?
Choose your favourite colours and patterns to decorate it.
We would love to share these in school or on our Flowery Friends Facebook page.
Upcoming Events:
Monday 7th March – 7pm Flowery Friends’ Annual General Meeting
Friday 18th March – Red Nose Day
Monday 21st March – After school Mother’s Day Crafts (Further details to be announced)
Wednesday 30th March – The Theatre comes to Flowery Field
Friday 25th March – Tango’s Big Adventure (KS1 only)
Friday 1st April – Non Uniform event for chocolate donations.
Tuesday 5th April – Parents’ Evening
Wednesday 6th April – Easter Egg Bingo
Friday 8th April – INSET DAY (School closed to Pupils)
Wishing you all a lovely and relaxing weekend
Mrs Silk