Spring Term Week 4 – 28.1.22
This week we have launched our new assembly focus on aspirations, the children have been keen to share their hopes and dreams for the future.
Our current science learning has enabled us to learn a range of skills that will also help prepare them for the future. Many of our children have enjoyed taking part in practical science experiments, planning, investigating and reporting their findings. It is great to see the children’s confidence when sharing their learning with their peers. Well done to them all!!
We are aware that many of families participate in activities outside of school, the PE team have made a display of the range of opportunities on offer in the hall. We have been encouraging the children to find out what’s on offer in the local area. We are also keen to expand our own offer. Mr Chat will be introducing Fencing after half term and Ms Lawton will be starting Cheer Leading. It is great to have such talent within our community that can inspire future generations.
Over the next week, some of our families and staff will be celebrating Chinese New Year. Although this officially takes place from 1st February, Stalybridge library are offering free arts and crafts activities, based on Chinese New Year, this weekend. This takes place on Sat 26th Jan 11 -2pm. For those families able to venture further afield, St Anne’s square will have live performances, street food and traditional dances to welcome in the year of the Tiger. This will be taking place from 1st to 6th Feb. We would like to wish all our families celebrating, a Happy New Year and look forward to sharing in their celebrations.
Many thanks for all your support. We are extremely grateful for your continued support with wearing face coverings on site, social distancing and testing regularly.
Due to the high level of cases within Tameside, we have been asked to continue wearing face coverings on site and in communal areas until February half term.
Following a meeting with Tameside Public Health team this morning, we have confirmed outbreaks in both Year 4 and Year 6. All children within these year groups are advised to continue testing daily.
As we are in an active outbreak, we will be unable to recommence our before school provision until after half term. We will continue to allow the children on site from 8 30 to facilitate working parents. Our current After School Club offer will continue until half term.
We still have significant numbers of staff absences due to COVID, of there are any parents able to support swimming or Forest School please let us know. We are keen to continue our offer.
School Meals
Many thanks to those families that continue to order through the app, this ensures that our older pupils are able to get their selctions too! If you are having problems ordering, please speak to one of our drop off team. Please only order meals up to and including Feb 18th. There will be a new menu after half term.
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday 9th February – Inside Out Day
Friday 18th February – Farm Friday (Please see the events section of the website).
Break up for half term
Monday 28th February – Children return to school
Thursday 3rd March – World Book Day
Friday 18th March – Red Nose Day
Wednesday 30th March – The Theatre comes to Flowery Field
Tuesday 5th April/Wed 6th April – Parents’ Evening
Friday 8th April – INSET DAY (School closed to Pupils)