Week 14– 10.12.21
Thank you for all your support during my first term as Principal. You should be incredibly proud of your child’s achievements this term and the resilience they have shown despite the disruptions caused by the pandemic.
We've had a lovely time watching the nursery and Y2 nativity plays and finished the week celebrating with our friends during our Christmas Party days. We even managed a virtual visit from Santa who left presents for us all! The photos of this event reflect the fun that was had by all!
On behalf of all the staff may I thank you for the good wishes, cards and gifts we have received, we are extremely grateful for your support.
Wishing you all a lovely Christmas break and a healthy and prosperous New Year.
Mrs Silk
Over the last week, we have started to see an increase in the numbers of students with suspected Coronavirus and students and families testing positive, this upward trend is also reflected within our local community.
Whilst children are not required to isolate, all those identified as a close contact are advised to take a lateral flow Covid test each day for 7 days at home. If they test negative each day they can come into school. If they test positive they will need to isolate and obtain a confirmatory PCR test. This applies to all cases of Coronavirus including Omicron.
All pupils will return to school on Thursday 6th January
With the rise in cases within our community, we will have our remaining INSET day on Wed 5th Jan. Staff will be in on Tues and Wed to provide support should you require it.
In preparation for their return please could we ask that all KS2 pupils complete a rapid flow test prior to their return. This will ensure that we are able to open safely and hopefully minimize disruption within the spring term. I appreciate that the further day in January may pose further disruption to families, but hope that this additional training day will enable us to put in any additional measures that are required to enable us to open safely. Thank you for your support.
We continue to work hard to ensure all families receive regular updates, these are also posted on the website and Facebook page. If you have not received any text messages please email admin@floweryfield.tameside.sch.uk
Many thanks for your support with the drop off during the morning. Unfortunately, school pick up remains difficult due to the volume of traffic at this time. Please can you ensure that cars are not left unattended in the drop off zone, members of staff will support you in ensuring that children are brought to you.
School Meals/Payments
The problems within the app have now been rectified. Please order your child’s meals for the first half term. Please see the post in the news section of the website should you require support.
Upcoming Events:
Thursday 6th January – School Opens
Wednesday 12th January - Panto Day (If restrictions allow)
Friday 21st January -Y6 Residential
Please ensure you keep up to date with our regular news updates:
For those new to school - the events section and calendar also provide updates.