Reflections on week 38
We started off the week welcoming back 3SS and 5BIH, it has been great to see them engaged in their learning and embracing their final challenges of the school year. We look forward to 3BG and 6DB joining us on Monday. Who knows, perhaps we may have a full school for the last week of the year?
This week has seen children involved in a range of projects reflecting the time they have spent at Flowery Field. It is great to see children so engaged at this time of year and I look forward to sharing their creations next week. Please take time to visit the new art installation which can be found by the pedestrian entrance. Our Y5 team have worked together to renovate this area of school.
Year 1 have had lots to celebrate this week, the children have all received their third book of the year provided by the National Literacy Trust and enjoyed sharing these at our “Booknic”. Thanks go to the staff for successfully applying for and then embracing this initiative.
I was proud to help present Miss Redfern with an award this week. She is the winner of the “Kristina Bowser Trophy” presented to the ‘stand out’, newly qualified teacher in our trust. A richly deserved award that reflects the hard work and dedication my colleague puts into everything she does here.
I am delighted to have survived a second visit to Robinwood in just a few weeks and am again grateful that staff have been prepared to give up their time to give the children these wonderful experiences. If you look on the school’s twitter feed (easily accessed from the website), you can see lots of pictures of them completing their challenges and even one of me on the giant swing!
If all goes to plan, the old Rainbow’s building will be removed this weekend to make way for our new accommodation. Take care when coming into school on Monday and please keep children on the playground.
Next week sees our final events of the year and all are looking forward to our leavers’ events. Whilst I’ve been away at Robinwood, Mrs Silk has announced a non-uniform day next Wednesday 21st July to celebrate everyone’s achievements at Flowery Field. I hope everyone wears something bright and cheerful and we can finish a challenging year on a joyful note.
Enjoy the sunshine,
Mr Fell