Reflections on week 30
With the Bank Holiday falling on Monday, this has been a shorter week, however the children have crammed lots into the four days. Our current topic has a science focus and I’ve enjoyed joining in some of the lessons across school and especially dissecting flowering plants with year 5 and identifying all of the parts.
We have also completed an in depth ‘enquiry’ into the work in our maths lessons and our Maths leaders will use these findings to further enhance our curriculum and practice.
In another week or so, the Government will announce the next steps in the easing of Coronavirus restrictions. If the data allows, this should see residential visits open up. In anticipation of this happening, I’ve managed to rebook the year 6 adventure to Robinwood, visiting their centre near Wrexham over the weekend of 18th-20th June. Please ensure you complete the paperwork and pay the deposit to secure places for your children. (Mr Smith will be happy to answer any questions or concerns that you may have.)
Staying with Mr Smith, I’m delighted to let you all know that after the rigorous interviews held on Tuesday, the Trustees have confirmed him in role as Mrs Silk’s deputy from September. I’m sure you’ll join me in sending congratulations.
Enjopy the weekend and stay safe,
Best wishes,
Mr Fell