Dear Parents and Carers,
Last week, I wrote about the heroic efforts by parents and carers as they juggle the many demands of life with the challenges of home schooling. This week, I echo those sentiments and am amazed by your efforts. As the children are becoming more proficient with Microsoft Teams, it has been great to see how much is being achieved through our remote learning. Please remember to try and do only what is reasonable given your circumstances and not to stress unduly over what cant be done.
The staff, as ever, are working to add further refinements to our offer. We are introducing smaller groups on Microsoft Teams to provide targeted help for some pupils. This is being pioneered by our nursery staff with the introduction of 'live' phonics teaching for those children learning from the safety of home.
I am pleased to have helped a large number of families connect to our online platforms this week with routers and data SIMs. Please let me know if you have any difficulties with access and Mr Smith and I will do our best to provide a solution.
From next week, free school meals vouchers will be arriving from Edenred. You should receive a voucher that covers the 3 weeks up to the February break. I am still waiting to hear about the arrangements for the half-term week.
This week has brought us terrible weather and the news that the new variant of the virus is causing higher death rates from hospital admissions. Against this depressing backdrop, it is difficult to remain positive and upbeat. I take comfort from seeing so many in our community 'doing the right thing' and making the sacrifices needed to defeat this virus. Families can be rightfully proud of the contributions you are all making and If there is any further support that school can provide, I encourage you to get in touch.
Stay safe and best wishes,
Mr Fell