Dear Parent/Carer
You will be aware from Thursday 5th November 2020 England will once again be in lockdown. As a Trust we have taken the decision that with effect from the 5th November 2020, anyone who is not an employee of the Trust and is on an academy site must wear a face covering.
This decision will be implemented across the Trust and for those who do not follow the guidelines, access to the academy sites will not be permitted.
The measures that the Trust and its academies have put in place are to ensure the safety of pupils and staff; we ask that these are followed by parents to mitigate the risk of spreading COVID 19. We appreciate that some parents may not feel these measures are appropriate, but we trust that parents understand the need to reduce the risks and that the academies are working in everyone’s best interests.
We will continue to review risk assessments on a regular basis and if there are any significant changes made, we will ensure you are informed through the appropriate channels.
We understand that this latest news will have an impact on you and your family, and it is far from ideal, but we’ll continue to keep in touch with any updates as the situation develops.