Reflections on week 5
Unfortunately, since last week’s message, we have now had a confirmed case within one of our “bubbles” and 3GY have revisited the world of “home schooling”. Let me thank everyone involved with keeping the learning going for this group and I look forward to welcoming them all back into school next Friday at the end of the self-isolation period. It is pleasing that self-isolating, classes do not incur absence marks and our attendance remains very positive at over 97% - Well done everyone.
Can I please make one more appeal for the return of any reading books that may still be in homes following “lock down”? We are missing a considerable amount of our stock and would appreciate your help with this.
We’ve reached an encouraging milestone with one of the junior classes recording 100% participation in the new, on-line homework tasks – well done 4AB! If any families are still struggling with access problems, please let us know and we will try to help.
Enjoy the weekend.