Please see the table below showing the “moving on” arrangements for September 2020.
Year 4 – as you move into year 5, please use the door on the other yard (farm side.)
Classes now -----------------Classes in September 2020
RSS 1TR Miss Redfern
RJR 1KE Mrs Edmundson
RJM 1SM Mrs Stanway/Mrs Madigan (after return from Mat. Leave)
1SR 2SA Mrs Adams
1GM 2NS Mr Sallabank
1KE 2KB Mrs Barton
2SA 3GY Mrs Glozier/Mrs Yan
2NS 3SO Miss Snioch
2KB 3BG Miss Berriman / Mr Greenaway
3DG 4GO Mrs Oates
3BG 4NT Mrs Thornley
3SO 4AB Mr Bown
4NT 5BI Mr Ish-Horowicz
4LW 5KD Miss Dowse
4AB 5MN Mrs Northey
5BIH 6DB Mr Barton
5KD 6RM Mr McClements
5MN 6ME Mr Eckersley
Teaching in Reception are Mrs Slinn, Mrs Roche and Miss Marchant – these class lists will be published separately.
Teaching In Nursery – Mrs Sykes and Mrs Marsh
We say good-bye and a big thank you to Mr Jameson and to Mrs Donogher who are both moving on and wish them well in their future careers.
Best wishes,
Mr Fell