Thanks to everyone who completed the “wider reopening w/c 22nd June” survey. This has now closed and I have used your responses to plan for next week’s return.
In short, the nursery classes will reopen on Monday 22nd and Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 will follow on Tuesday 23rd. I have written to each family today outlining where your child’s classroom is and the times of arrival and departure.
In addition, further children who qualify for a place at this time will also receive a letter indicating where and when to come to into school.
I look forward to seeing some of you back here next week and remind parents of the need to maintain social distancing on the school grounds, especially around entrances and exits as our numbers increase. Anti-viral, hand gel will be available for use by all children before entering the school.
May I also remind you please, that we expect children to wear freshly laundered clothes each day and so I am making the rest of this term, “non-uniform days”.