Autumn Term
Welcome back!
We are really looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday. As communicated before the summer, we are extending our opening times. School will now start at 8 45 and finish at 3 15. The drop off will be open as from 8 40 with staff on hand to direct you
There will be no morning or after school provision for the first couple of weeks as we settle into our new routines. To support these changes our morning clubs will now start at 8 15 and our after-school clubs will continue to finish at 4pm. All children will receive details of these on our return and places will be booked through the app. Booking opens at 3pm on Monday 11th September.
We know that many families will have invested in new uniform, please can we remind all families to ensure all uniform is labelled with names and classes. We would like to remind families that all children are expected to wear school shoes. Details of our uniform policy can be found here: https://floweryfieldschool.org.uk/parents/school-uniform.
On Tuesday, you will receive a letter providing key information for your child. This will include information on PE days, homework etc. Please can we remind parents that school PE kit is an essential part of our uniform. Our PE and dance kits consists of a royal blue T-shirt and black or blue shorts. We are happy for children to purchase a school fleece or Flowery Field hoody to wear over their PE kit.
This year, we will be communicating key messages through our website and the MCAS app. Please ensure you are able to access the app and speak to the office if you have any issues. New pupils will receive a letter providing further details on how to access the app. If you are unable to open the app or have changed your contact details please email our admin team.
Wishing you all a relaxing and enjoyable end to the summer break.
Kind regards
Mrs Silk
Upcoming Events
Friday 1st September School closed for training (INSET)
Monday 4th September School closed for training (INSET)
Tuesday 5th September School opens at 8 45
Monday 11th September Open Classrooms (From 3pm) A chance to visit classrooms and meet the teacher.
Monday 18th September Morning and After School Clubs begin
Flowery Friends Meeting 6pm (All parents welcome, childcare
Tuesday 19th September School Photograph Day
Friday 22nd September Jeans for Genes Day – wear your jeans for a £1 donation.