Spring Term Week 3 – 21.1.21
A great week of learning in school – the children have all been engaged with their new Power of Reading texts and have been keen to share their learning with us. Our English books, reflect our ambition for excellence, children across all key stages strive to produce quality work and are proud of their achievements. Well done to all!
Following on from last week’s celebration assemblies, we have loved sharing our Y1 and Y2’s children’s learning from the autumn term. It was great to see children sharing memories from their own lifetimes as well as those of other family members.
Our Y6 children are looking forward to their upcoming residential. Please check out the school twitter feed and Facebook page over the weekend. It is great for our younger pupils to see our Y6 pupils taking part in a range of challenges.
Many thanks to those families who continue to test twice weekly. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts we currently have several confirmed cases in school, we continue to communicate these via the app, school website and Facebook page.
Although children are not required to isolate, all those identified as a close contact are advised to take a lateral flow Covid test each day for 7 days and reports results online. https://www.gov.uk/report-covid19-result
Before and After School Clubs
From today, Y1 children will be able to sign up to a multi sports club on Wednesday’s after school. This club is limited to 20 places and will run until Feb half term. We plan on extending our after school provision further from Feb half term.
From Monday 31st January, we plan to reintroduce our morning provision from 8am. Y1/2 children will be able to access morning dance, Y3/4 pupils will be with Mr C in the small hall and Y5/6 pupils will be with Mr W.
All other children should arrive from 8 40. Please note children who arrive before this time will be directed to a morning club.
Upcoming Events:
Friday 21st January -Y6 Residential
Monday 7th February - Bikeability (Year 5)
Wednesday 9th February - Inside Out Day
Friday 18th February – Farm Friday (Please see the events section of the website).
Break up for half term
Monday 28th February – Children return to school
Thursday 3rd March – World Book Day
Wednesday 30th March – The Theatre comes to Flowery Field
Please ensure you keep up to date with our regular news updates:
For those new to school - the events section and calendar also provide updates.
Alongside this, we will continue to use the Flowery Friends Facebook page to provide key updates to all families.