Spring Term Week 2 – 14.1.21
A week of celebration! We have loved sharing children’s learning from the autumn term in our celebration assemblies. We look forward to sharing Y1 and 2’s work next week.
Our youngest pupils have got off to a flying start, visiting our immersive classroom, to visit Antarctica. The children have loved sharing this learning with their friends and will be using this experience to support their writing over the next few days. KS1 and 2 children will also have the opportunity to visit the immersive classroom over the next few weeks to enhance their learning.
Our EYFS and KS1 children have embraced our new phonics programme, applying their phonics to both their reading and writing. Families are encouraged to promote a love of reading by continuing to share books at home. If anyone has any questions about our change of approach please speak to their class teacher.
Within KS2, we have invested significantly in the class libraries, ensuring all children have a range of challenging books to choose from. All children should have a reading bookmark to support families in sharing these books together.
Finally, I would like to remind families that we still have some remaining places for after school clubs for Y2-6. The children who have attended this week have all enjoyed their sessions and have had the opportunity to learn a range of new games and skills with Mr C and Mr W. Ms Lawton is also offering after school dance club. Remaining places can be booked through the app. We will be extending this provision to Y1 pupils from Monday 24th January.
Wishing you a relaxing and enjoyable weekend
Mrs Silk
Many thanks to those families who continue to test twice weekly. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts we currently have several confirmed cases in school, we continue to communicate these via the app, school website and Facebook page.
Although children are not required to isolate, all those identified as a close contact are advised to take a lateral flow Covid test each day for 7 days and reports results online. https://www.gov.uk/report-covid19-result
Remote provision should be available via Teams/Year group pages for those isolating. We know that several families are in this position and wish you all a speedy recovery. If anyone needs support with our remote offer, please phone school and ask to speak to Mr Smith.
Special Event – Thursday 20th January
We are inviting all children to join us for our special themed lunch. Our kitchen team will be dressing up and entertaining us, alongside Froggy who will make a guest appearance. Children can opt into this special event through the MCAS app. All KS1 children and children in receipt of FSM are entitled to a free lunch. Other children can join us for £2.25. Children can enjoy Cluck, Cluck Pasta, Cheese Squeals or a Farmer’s Jacket.
We continue to work hard to ensure all families receive regular updates, these are also posted on the website and Facebook page. Alongside the year group pages we have a school community page, Flowery Friend PTFA. The purpose of the Facebook page is to offer support to families, provide reminders about upcoming events and answer any queries. If you have a concern of an urgent nature please phone school or email admin@floweryfield.tameside.sch.uk
Before and After School Clubs
Booking is now live for years 2-6. Reception and Y1 will be able to access provision in the summer term. Although we are currently unable to offer our before school clubs, we will continue to open the site from 8 30 to support working parents. We will continue to monitor the situation and will update via the newsletter.
Healthy Eating
Please can we remind all families that in line with our healthy eating policy, all KS1 children are provided with fruit at morning break. KS2 children are invited to bring in a piece of fruit for morning snack.
Upcoming Events:
Thursday 20th January – Lunch on the Farm (Please see the events section of the website).
Friday 21st January -Y6 Residential
Friday 18th February – Farm Friday (Please see the events section of the website).
Break up for half term
Monday 28th February – Children return to school
Thursday 3rd March – World Book Day
Wednesday 30th March – The Theatre comes to Flowery Field
Please ensure you keep up to date with our regular news updates:
For those new to school - the events section and calendar also provide updates.
Alongside this, we will continue to use the Flowery Friends Facebook page to provide key updates to all families.