Spring Term Week 1– 7.1.21
What a lovely start to the New Year! It has been lovely to have the children back in school, they have all settled well and appear to be looking forward to the year ahead.
During our recent training days, staff have been introduced to a new approach to early reading and writing, called First Class phonics. This will further enhance our current provision, we will be providing further guidance on how you can support this approach early next week.
Next week, Froggy will be coming to school to recognise some of the children’s achievements from the autumn term, we look forward to sharing these via our year group pages over the next couple of weeks. Please note that all children will receive an award by the end of the school year.
We are extremely grateful for your continued support and look forward to working together to enable your children to reach their full potential throughout 2022.
Mrs Silk
Many thanks to those families who have completed lateral flows prior to school return. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts we currently have confirmed cases in 4GO, 5MN and 6AB. Although children are not required to isolate, all those identified as a close contact are advised to take a lateral flow Covid test each day for 7 days and reports results online. https://www.gov.uk/report-covid19-result
From Monday, remote provision will be available via Teams/Year group pages for those isolating. We know that several families are in this position and wish you all a speedy recovery.
To reduce the risk of transmission we are ensuring classrooms are well ventilated, through the use of our CO2 monitor. Where readings are high, windows are opened for a short time to improve ventilation. Temperatures are monitored accordingly and coats worn where necessary.
To further reduce transmission we would ask for support with the following:
- Consider wearing a face covering on school premises.
- Reduce the number of adults and older siblings at drop off and pick up.
- Contact via the office by telephone or email.
We continue to work hard to ensure all families receive regular updates, these are also posted on the website and Facebook page. Alongside the year group pages we have a school community page, Flowery Friend PTFA. The purpose of the Facebook page is to offer support to families, provide reminders about upcoming events and answer any queries. If you have a concern of an urgent nature please phone school or email admin@floweryfield.tameside.sch.uk
After School Clubs
Our after school club provision will recommence next week. Booking is now live for years 2-6. Reception and Y1 will be able to access provision in the summer term. Although we are currently unable to offer our before school clubs, we will continue to open the site from 8 30 to support working parents. We will continue to monitor the situation and will update via the newsletter.
School Meals/Payments
The problems within the app have now been rectified. Please order your child’s meals for the first half term. Menu choices may change after half term.
Healthy Eating
Please can we remind all families that in line with our healthy eating policy, we encourage the drinking of water within the classroom. We encourage children to bring in water bottles which can be refilled throughout the day using our water fountains. The importance of staying hydrated is noted both for general health and the link between being suitably hydrated and concentration levels.
Upcoming Events:
Thursday 6th January – School Opens
Tuesday 11th January – Flu Vaccination Catch Up
(Please advise school if you booked a vaccination but no longer require it.)
Thursday 20th January – Lunch on the Farm (Please see the events section of the website).
Friday 21st January -Y6 Residential
Friday 18th February – Farm Friday (Please see the events section of the website).
Break up for half term
Monday 28th February – Children return to school
Thursday 3rd March – World Book Day
Wednesday 30th March – The Theatre comes to Flowery Field
Please ensure you keep up to date with our regular news updates:
For those new to school - the events section and calendar also provide updates.
Alongside this, we will continue to use the Flowery Friends Facebook page to provide key updates to all families.