Week 14– 10.12.21
We've had a lovely time celebrating with our friends during our Christmas Dinner Days. The photos of this event reflect the fun that was had by all! Our KS2 pupils entertained us with a party dance which we hope to share with parents next week.
Likewise, rehearsals for our nativity performances in nursery and Y2 are going well and our virtual performance will be made available next week.
Thank you for your amazing response to our advent appeal for toys - with your generous donations we will be able to support many families within our community.
Whilst we are really looking forward to the events we have planned for next week, we understand that some children will be unable to attend due to isolation. Asda have kindly donated a small gift to those children who will not be able to attend our events. These will be dropped off by myself next Friday evening. Please ensure school are made aware if this applies to you.
COVID Update
Unfortunately, we have had several further cases of COVID reported in school, many of these children do not have the 3 main symptoms so we are advising all children to test with any signs of illness. We are working closely with public health to stop the spread. We have been informed that children showing signs of illness still need to test even if they have tested positive within 90 days, as this should be regarded as new symptoms.
Due to the number of cases linked to the wider community we are unable to have visitors on site. Please do not enter the school building.
We are extremely grateful for your support with face coverings on site and are hopeful that we can continue to stop the spread with regular LFD testing and PCR testing as and when required.
Year 6 Fundraising
Year 6 will be selling reindeer food and hot chocolate packs to raise funds for their end of year celebrations. Hot chocolate cones are £1 and Reindeer Food 50p. If you would like to purchase any please send the money into school with an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name and class.
We continue to work hard to ensure all families receive regular updates, these are also posted on the website and Facebook page. If you have not received any text messages please email admin@floweryfield.tameside.sch.uk
Many thanks for your support with the drop off during the morning. Unfortunately, school pick up remains difficult due to the volume of traffic at this time. Please can you ensure that cars are not left unattended in the drop off zone, members of staff will support you in ensuring that children are brought to you.
School Meals/Payments
All credits/debits should now have transferred over from Parentpay. Please check your child’s account and speak with Mrs Donavon in the school office if you have any queries.
Wishing you all a relaxing and enjoyable weekend.
Mrs Silk
Upcoming Events:
Upcoming Events
Thursday 16th - Party Day for all Children (Party Clothes)
Friday 17th - Non Uniform Day with festive treat.
There will be no swimming or Forest School next week.
Please ensure you keep up to date with our regular news updates:
For those new to school - the events section and calendar also provide updates.
Alongside this, we will continue to use the Flowery Friends Facebook page to provide key updates to all families.