Week 13– 03.12.21
Many thanks for your support over the last few days, it has been great to see children returning to their classrooms, engaging in lessons and practising for their Christmas celebrations.
All year groups have now finished their history work, the teachers have made a compilation video which we intend to share with you following the Christmas break. These will also be shared as part of our celebration assemblies which take place after Christmas.
Our reception and year 3 pupils have enjoyed the first of their Christmas festivities. It was great to see them all in their party clothes, having fun with their friends. We are looking forward to our other festivities over the coming days and look forward to sharing them with our families.
Wishing you a relaxing and enjoyable weekend.
Mrs Silk
COVID Update
Following our outbreak meeting, we are pleased to confirm that the measures that we have in place have ensured a low rate of transmission within school. They have confirmed that our Christmas events within school can go ahead.
However, due to the number of cases linked to the wider community we now need to put additional measures in place. This means that we are unable to have visitors to site, all performances will be recorded and made available to parents in the last week of term. Our Flowery Friends team will provide an update soon. Whilst this is disappointing, the safety of our community remains our priority.
Unfortunately, there will be no morning clubs from Monday however doors will open from 8 30am to support social distancing.
We are extremely grateful for your support with face coverings on site and are hopeful that we can continue to stop the spread with regular LFD testing and PCR testing as and when required.
We continue to work hard to ensure all families receive regular updates, these are also posted on the website and Facebook page. If you have not received any text messages please email admin@floweryfield.tameside.sch.uk
Christmas Appeal
As we begin our countdown to Christmas we are inviting families to donate a gift for families in need. These will be distributed within our local community. We are extremely grateful
School Meals/Payments
Our current menu has been paused for our special Christmas lunches. Please select choices in Menu 2. From Thursday 6th the normal menu will resume. All credits/debits should now have transferred over from Parentpay. Please check your child’s account and speak with Mrs Donavon in the school office if you have any queries.
Upcoming Events:
Please note all children are invited to wear Christmas jumpers or party clothes on their Christmas Dinner Day and Party Day. All other year groups will have a festive style picnic lunch. Please order in Menu 2. Normal menu will resume from Thursday 9th.
Monday 6th December – Y1/Y5 Christmas Dinner Day
Tuesday 7th December – Y2/Y4 Christmas Dinner Day
Wednesday 8th December – Y6 Christmas Dinner Day
Thursday 9th Dec – Y1 Vision Screening
Thursday 16th Dec – Christmas Party Day for all year groups
Unfortunately, due to the current measures we have in place we are unable to have visitors on site. Therefore all performances will be remote.
Please ensure you keep up to date with our regular news updates:
For those new to school - the events section and calendar also provide updates.
Alongside this, we will continue to use the Flowery Friends Facebook page to provide key updates to all families.