Week 11– 26.11.21
Many thanks for all your support over the last couple of weeks. I have had a lovely return to school this week. The children’s enthusiasm for their learning and resilience within lessons is testimony to our amazing Flowery community. Whilst many of our staff have now returned, we still have a few members of staff who are still recovering, we are extremely proud of the way the children have coped with the temporary staffing changes.
We have been delighted to show our prospective pupils around our school. Once again the children have demonstrated what makes Flowery special, with their excellent learning attitudes and quality work displayed around school. If you are aware of anyone who is looking for a school place for September, our remaining events can be found on the website.
This week has also seen the return of our Forest School Provision. The team have worked hard to improve our onsite provision, removing brambles, clearing litter, creating new seating areas and a new pathway to our woodland area. All children will benefit from this throughout the school year.
We are also pleased to announce that our morning clubs are back up and running, we know how vital this provision is to support our working parents. Both Dance and Dodgeball clubs are in place for children in years 1-6. Children are able to sign up on the day. Although our After School Clubs have been stopped, as we prepare for Christmas, these will be back up and running in January and run until Feb half term.
Thank you for your continued support.
Wishing you a relaxing and enjoyable weekend.
Mrs Silk
COVID Update
As you are aware, the situation around COVID is continuously changing. Unfortunately, we currently have confirmed cases in R, Y1, Y3 and Y5. We are extremely grateful for your support with the PCT testing and are hopeful that we can continue to stop the spread with regular LFD testing and PCR testing as and when required.
Parking and Drop Off
We are extremely grateful for your support in ensuring the safety of our children. It is vital that parents use the designated drop off zone. Please can you ensure that children are seated on the passenger side to ensure their safety when exiting the vehicle. We continue to experience problems at home time, please only enter the school if you or your child have mobility issues and/or have a disabled badge, parking is extremely limited and several disabled parents have experienced problems over the last week. Please help us to keep our community safe.
My Child at School (MCAS)
The majority of families are now signed up to the app. We are extremely grateful for your patience during our transitional phase. The app has proved extremely helpful in sharing important messages over the last week. If you still need support in accessing the app please speak to a member of the office team.
As we begin our countdown to Christmas we are inviting families to donate a gift for families in need. There will be a box at the front of school for those who are able to help us. Unfortunately, we are only able to accept new books/toys etc. These will be distributed within our local community.
School Meals/Payments
Many thanks to those families that have pre-ordered their child's meals through the app. All children receiving a school meal need to pre-order to ensure enough food has been ordered and all children receive their selected meal. Families who have not pre-ordered will only have access to a limited menu. Please note Christmas Meals need to be ordered by 1st Dec. All children are welcome to join us.
All credits/debits should now have transferred over from Parentpay. Please check your child’s account and speak with Mrs Donavon in the school office if you have any queries.
Upcoming Events:
Please note all children are invited to wear Christmas jumpers or party clothes on their Christmas Dinner Day and Party Day.
Friday 3rd December – R/Y3 Christmas Dinner Day *
Monday 6th December – Y1/Y5 Christmas Dinner Day*
Tuesday 7th December – Y2/Y4 Christmas Dinner Day*
Wednesday 8th December – Y6 Christmas Dinner Day*
*All other year groups will have a Festive Picnic Style lunch
Thursday 9th Dec – Y1 Vision Screening
Thursday 9th Dec 9 30 – Y2 Christmas Performance **
Friday 10th Dec 1 45pm – Y2 Christmas performance **
Monday 13th Dec 9 30 – Y2 Christmas Performance **
Tuesday 14thth Dec 1 45pm – Y2 Christmas performance **
Wednesday 15th Dec – Nursery Nativity (Times TBC)**
Thursday 16th Dec – Christmas Party Day
**Should you be unable to attend our Christmas performances, due to Covid restrictions, these will be recorded and made available to all families.
Please ensure you keep up to date with our regular news updates:
For those new to school - the events section and calendar also provide updates.
Alongside this, we will continue to use the Flowery Friends Facebook page to provide key updates to all families.