Week 11– 19.11.21
Well done to all at Flowery!
Many thanks for all your support with our Children in Need Events. The children have participated in a range of events and managed to raise an amazing £565.08.
Well done to all our younger pupils who participated in our One Kind Word Day. It was great to see so many odd socks around school, reminding us that we all have many talents that make Flowery Field such a special place.
This weekend sees the return of the Winter Festival Parade. The parade takes place tomorrow (Saturday 20th) from 6pm, starting at Corporation Street and finishing at Hyde Town Hall at 7pm. in Hyde Town Centre. This is a free event for the whole community. Our Y4 pupils have helped to decorate the trees around the main square.
We are busy planning our own Christmas Activities. Please make sure you check out the events section of our website for details of our upcoming events, especially, the Flowery Friend’s Tea with Santa. Tickets on sale at 6pm Monday 22nd from the school office.
Wishing you all a relaxing and enjoyable weekend.
Mrs Silk
COVID Update
As you are aware, the situation around COVID is continuously changing. We are extremely grateful for your support and are hopeful that we can continue to stop the spread with regular LFD testing and PCR testing as and when required.
Parking and Drop Off
We are extremely grateful for your support in ensuring the safety of our children. It is vital that parents use the designated drop off zone. Please refrain from parking up within the school grounds. Parking is extremely limited and is reserved for disabled students and parents.
We have also had several reports of vehicles blocking access to other local properties, preventing emergency vehicle access. We understand that enforcement officers will be monitoring the situation. Please help us to keep our community safe.
Morning and After School Clubs
Unfortunately, we are unable to get our clubs back up and running. The children who have places allocated to them will remain a priority once they are back up and running. I have spoken to Rainbows (out of school club provider) who have confirmed that they have places available at their breakfast club should families require support. For more info please contact: rainbowclubs@mail.com or 07423816977
My Child at School (MCAS)
The majority of families are now signed up to the app. We are extremely grateful for your patience during our transitional phase. The app has proved extremely helpful in sharing important messages over the last week. If you still need support in accessing the app please speak to a member of the office team.
Parenting Support
We are delighted to share– Parenting Smart – a free online resource featuring practical advice and tried-and-tested tips for parents and carers of primary age children.
Parenting Smart is:
• Created by Place2Be’s parenting experts
• Based on evidence and our experience of working with children and families
• Designed with busy parents in mind, with short videos and articles
• Topics from meltdowns to friendship difficulties, from anxiety to the transition to secondary school
School Meals/Payments
Many thanks to those families that have pre-ordered their child's meals through the app. All children receiving a school meal need to pre-order (a week in advance) to ensure enough food has been ordered and all children receive their selected meal.
Due to some children not receiving their chosen meal we have removed the desserts from the app. You can still discuss these with your child. The menus can be found by following this link:
All credits/debits should now have transferred over from Parentpay. Please check your child’s account and speak with Mrs Donavon in the school office if you have any queries.
Upcoming Events:
Monday 22nd November – Tea with Santa Tickets on sale 6-8pm.
Friday 3rd December – R/Y3 Christmas Dinner Day*
Monday 6th December – Y1/Y5 Christmas Dinner Day*
Tuesday 7th December – Y2/Y4 Christmas Dinner Day*
Wednesday 8th December – Y6 Christmas Dinner Day*
*All other year groups will have a Festive Picnic Style lunch
Thursday 9th Dec – Y1 Vision Screening
Thursday 9th Dec 9 30 – Y2 Christmas Performance **
Friday 10th Dec 1 45pm – Y2 Christmas performance **
Monday 13th Dec 9 30 – Y2 Christmas Performance **
Tuesday 14thth Dec 1 45pm – Y2 Christmas performance **
Wednesday 15th Dec – Nursery Nativity (Times TBC)**
Thursday 16th Dec – Christmas Party Day
**Should you be unable to attend our Christmas performances, due to Covid restrictions, these will be recorded and made available to all families.
Please ensure you keep up to date with our regular news updates:
For those new to school - the events section and calendar also provide updates.
Alongside this, we will continue to use the Flowery Friends Facebook page to provide key updates to all families.