Week 9 – 5.11.21
We have had a lovely week recognising all our children’s achievements through our Parents’ Evenings and celebration assemblies. The children have loved viewing our virtual art galleries, sharing and appreciating the work of their peers. It is lovely to see the way they encourage each other to be the best that they can be! Our virtual art galleries have been posted on the year group pages to enable you to share in your children’s successes.
We have loved having our before and after school clubs back, the children really thrive through these opportunities and I am extremely grateful for the staff who give up their time to run these events. Our current clubs will continue to run until the first week of December. We are already planning our clubs for the spring term and are keen to extend our current offer. If anyone has any skills to share please speak to a member of our pastoral team.
Finally, a special mention to the amazing Flowery Friends team who organised our Spooky Disco and for all the volunteers who supported our event. It was a great turn out and lots of fun was had by all. The team are currently planning Afternoon tea with Santa but are in desperate need of volunteers. They will be meeting on Monday @ 6pm at the Village Hotel in Hyde if you are available to help.
Wishing you all a lovely and relaxing weekend,
Mrs Silk
My Child at School (MCAS)
Many thanks to all those families that have signed up to the app. You will need to use this to check important messages, book a school dinner, pay for trips, check attendance and even book a place at one of our after school clubs. Parent pay is no longer used within school so you will need the app to make all future payments. All messages from school are now sent through the app.
We recognise there are still some issues with the app, but the majority of feedback has been extremely positive. If you still need support in accessing the app please speak to a member of the office team.
School Meals
Please note all children need to book meals in advance. Please discuss the options with your child over the weekend and select their meal choices. If anyone has any problems please speak to Miss Miah in the school office.
COVID Update
As you are aware, the situation around COVID is continuously changing. We are pleased to report that our measures have been successful in reducing the spread across school. We are extremely grateful for your support over the last couple of weeks and are hopeful that we can continue to stop the spread with regular LFD testing and PCR testing as and when required.
Christmas Cards
Flowery Friends have asked me to mention that those families who designed a Christmas card should have received their proofs today. Please decide whether you would lie to purchase them and return all orders by the 12th. You will need to include the exact money in the envelope as no change can be given. Although the recommended price is £5, the team have decided to subsidise this so families only need to pay £4 a pack. Many thanks for your support with this.
Upcoming Events:
Monday 8th November – Rockstars Assembly
Monday 8th November – Flowery Friends Meeting @ 6:30pm at the Village Hotel.
Friday 12th November – Christmas Card Orders to be back in school.
Thursday 18th November – Flu Vaccinations
Friday 19th November – Do Good – Feel Good for Children in Need. Non uniform day. £1 donation.
Monday 22nd November – Tea with Santa Tickets on sale 6-8pm.
Monday 13th December – Tea with Santa event
Please ensure you keep up to date with our regular news updates:
For those new to school - the events section and calendar also provide updates.
Alongside this, we will continue to use the Flowery Friends Facebook page to provide key updates to all families.